I made a list of 51. A number actually have been fixed since then! So there’s that.
I don’t know how bad cheat spawns are ight now, seems like less.
Skitarii as 5th class. Everyone wants to play as Skitari. Possible different origin story, IE, They are mostly dead, sent home for implant recycled, taken by Inquisition and nursed back to health instead.
Evis is good but the other chain weapons still feel like they need attention. Not just ‘more damage’ but more ‘fun.’
I’d like more ragdoll when my Ogryn thumps someone. I want to see the pox walkers FLY!
I want the icons in the bottom of the screen that go on and off as my buffs cycle to have a key to their meaning when I hit TAB.
Weapon attachment - light - Bayonet - Optics. Possibly allow bayoneted rifle to be used as full melee weapon for asymmetrical bonus. Q to shift from shot to melee, with special being hipfire from melee. Possible dual targeting system with long range and short range sights on weapon, as used on the HK-g-36 used by the German army. Mousewheel to change between them while aiming. One wide red dot, one zoomed in. Could be invisible to 3rd party and explained as projected on retina of user and provided by Hadron. ADDITIONAL this would work on force staves Mouse wheel could move trauma targeting circle to ‘long range’ or ‘normal.’
Brain burst should use special attack button to ‘snap’ to specials/elites. Brain burst sped up slightly, damage scaled up a little on higher levels.
Fire support. No, really, missions with tanks or artiliary supporting us with some ability to call for support, troops at spawn fire to support us.
Dogs, nets, and mutants should NOT pass though a horde like ghosts to jump you. Also they should not be able to knock down an ogyrn shield from the front when the whole horde and it’s fire support can’t. (not sure on that last being current. Can ogryn shield tank a net now? It was in my old list.)
Let every class do SOMETHING to keep up. Like switch to blitz (even if empty) and run as fast as the fastest zealot.
Menu to take banter we’ve already heard, and either remove it from the list after five plays, or move it up the list to hear again if very interesting. Should only appear in the menu after 2-5 plays.
Ammo selector. (IE, Ogryn grenade launcher/shotgun ammo change.) Carry both ammunition, either weapon. Should apply to many weapons, but possibly with a requirement to set a slider for amount of each pre-mission. Not just Ogyrn weapons, ability to change ammo type on appropriate weapon types, shotguns/grenade launchers higher burn for lasers, etc. Some might be either/or, like slugs or shells in a shotgun, or some of each with a slider.
Ogryn super machete/battle axe/BIG WEAPONS. Ogryn ability to use light weight enemies AS weapons/throw toys. ALSO Ogyrn power maul should NOT slow you down when activated.
Hadron Waifu body pillows, Ogyrn scale.
Complete and total remove of beans and bean derivatives from Ogryn dietary supplement packets. The cabin of the Valkyrie we use for insertion isn’t that big.