Content still needed

We need more character slots. ANd not by charging more money. Weve already paid full price. We need more maps, more missions and more interactions with npcs We need more defense gear, like armor for body parts, not just cosmetics looking. The armor needs to provide protection and resistances and buffs, They should need repair at the shrine and also be upgraded there. But repair is optional.

As character increase in level, stats should also increase.

We need more instruction on how to handle weapons, especially with secondary abilities Torches need to be integrated into our gear at cost and be able to turn on or off via a batter that needs to be recharged at the shrine

Need shared stash, change names also prompts on what level our characters need to be before we can access parts of them game.

Why does our character need to be executed?

Pox hounds should be able to be shoved off as opposed to a death sustenance. by all classes. Yes they can be blocked, but we should be able to get them pushed off or killed by pinned characters, not just ogryn. “just push or dodge them.” Not always possible. We should also be able to cut our way out of nets and our weapons should effect charging mutants. Our characters should be able to pull themselves up rather then just hanging there until death. Of course after pulling themselves up, stamina needs to be reduced for a few minutes and for being a bit careless earned themselves a block of corruption.

Pointers to other party members often lead us into walls. The pointers point at the party members but they also point right into walls so they are of no use then. We need trackers on the ground via an item that can be purchased and needs to be recharged with resources we already have at the shrine of ominsiah.

unfortunately, Skill Issue.


Until we get new Classes, I don’t really see the point.

That’s all definitely coming next year.

I don’t see the point in that, as the VoC/CoSF overshields are already VERY good at that job, not to mention the TS (Dome) just completely blocks all incoming ranged attacks. Adding an armour mechanic that requires repairs at the shrine would be HUGE pain in the behind to maintain.

The RNG weapon stats do, and your Skill Points straight up do that for your character.

No, thank you… having to recharge our flashlights outside of the mission would, again, be a HUGE pain in the behind.

I’m pretty certain that there are Level prompts for the NPCs’ services, but it’s been so long since I’ve maxed out all 4 of my Classes, so I can’t exactly remember. I do want the non-unique weapons that we get to be available across our Veterans, Zealots and Psykers, as long as they all meet the Level requirements for said weapons. I hate rolling a good weapon for Veteran but not being able to use it on my Zealot or Psyker.

I’m fairly certain there is (or at least was) an Ogryn ability to do this in their Skill Tree, but I digress - just dodge them or push them before they get you, it’s really that simple.

I can’t understand what this means, but it doesn’t sound very fun if I have to constantly recharge it at the Shrine.



People use more character slots for a variety reason, not just one per class. Maybe different builds. So, yes there is a point to it, regardless of who else “may not see the point to it.” Though I like the idea of more character classes. Also the recharge idea for finding other party members should encourage players to develop better abilities at keeping track of party members. Though despite our best efforts, we all have gone to get ammo or whatever the case maybe then we turn around and the party vanishes. The “party members” are here pointers often lead into walls as we try to follow them.

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We have armor, it just cosmetic. I think we can do better with that. With gear across classes that are specific to the class. Large heavy armor for ogryns and light armor for psychkers. I like the torch idea that can be turned on or off during a mission as opposed them to be just on weapons. The recharge aspect encourages wise use of them. It doesnt have to be between missions. I would prefer other options on weapon’s specials as “torch”. That should be in whatever passes for armor. It shouldnt be just given freely.

There’s literally a mod for unlimited build slots. It’s a useless feature to have additional character slots until we get a new class.

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Daemonhosts already do that.

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Its not about mods and it is not useless for more character slots for others. You might not find it useful, thats fine. Its quiet possible to have multiple characters with the same character for different reasons then just builds. Its beyond one persons ideas, especially cherry picking. Its not just one persons idea or playstyles. if its useless for you, fine.

The only other usage that isn’t just “I’m bored let’s waste my time levelling up again” is stuff that can be fixed without adding new slots - like personality/height changes being added to the Barber-Chirurgeon, infinite build save slots, etc.

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And thats fine. Itse useless for you perhaps, but not so with others. Im not agreeing or disagreeing Im saying people have differnt ways of playing and extra playslots can accomadte that, for whatever reason. I get what you are saying. Just change the character at the reshaping store. Maybe others have other ideas for characters. Who knows? Different strokes for different folks. This really shouldnt have to be explained.

Now for an online game, I get there NEEDS be limits with character slots. Server space and all of that. I think that is really a fatshark issue to see how many players are typically active and how each of them use their server spaces. I think we should have more then 4. Is it possible for that right now? I have no idea. Thats a larger issue beyond this discussion.

you don’t understand you can have multiple loadouts on a dude, do you OP.


I’ve tried, but it’s not getting through :sweat_smile:

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They need to add weapons that people want to use, but before that they need to fix weapon acquisition and crafting. A year of no solution is starting to make me not care at all about new content; that should really be addressed before they add more.

And man they do not need to do rotating content, as lame as the Karnack Twins are I don’t want them to leave…they should just add a seperate boss battles mission board for these story encounters.


I made a thread on that called “An Appeal to Fatshark” in Gameplay Feedback. Hopefully they actually implement it.

The Crafting issue goes without saying, and I already have 1,001 ideas on how to fix it with the time that’s gone by since the last Crafting update.

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The whole point of cosmetics is for people to customise their appearance as they like, mixing that with gameplay mechanics just causes problems. You will have people dressed like clowns for the best stats and people dressed up in drip but actively being a detriment to the team, and then everything in-between of people making compromises between wanting to look good and not play bad.

People are already upset with the crafting progression for weapons and trinkets, no point making loadouts even more complicated and pissing off the dress up enthusiasts at the same time.


This. We already have Toughness and Overshields in the game anyway, not to mention how MASSIVE of an inconvenience it’d be to maintain! I love The Witcher 3 but no one likes its armour system (what OP wants to implement into Darktide) because it utterly ruined the drip and, again, was extremely annoying to maintain.


No. Nooooooooo. NO

Yes! Let it take a while even but being ledged and needing help to get up is just stupid. Make some other penalty and make it slow to get yourself up.

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its possible to change the cosmetics of armor for thedress up crowd, so that is not valid. However, I do get that there crafting is already messy, etc. I maintain there should be an armor slot. But fix everything else first.

Im gonna check that one out

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