14k Aquilas vs. Mashup Cosmetics

I think the general problem is that the 14k currency lets people pick whatever where as the pack (while I like the look of and will probably use bits of, especially the sniper hood) is very likely not something a lot of people fancy over just having the currency and putting it in the shop as an option. On paper it’s equivalent to 14k currency but it’s not what people wanted.

It’s like if I gave a new guy who just showed up 50 bucks as a bonus and the person working for a year complained. Then I went “oh don’t worry, I’ll give you something of equal value” and gave them a 50 dollar gift card to McDonalds. Yeah it’s great if you like McDonald’s but if you don’t then you are SOL.


Either way the shtstorm will be spectacular if it happens.

Cannot unlock
the Wahlund.

Oddest thing to me is that Fatshark is releasing cosmetics “inspired by” the Launch Trailer cosmetics.

Why don’t they just release the launch trailer cosmetics? Why be “inspired” by when you have them already. Why are they keeping the primary marketing visuals for the game locked away?

It’s really weird seeing Fatshark feature these visuals everywhere for the game, but stubbornly refuse to make them available a year after launch.


They got bigger free ice cream cones than we did??? OH MY GOD I’M SO MAD RIGHT NOW I CAN’T EVEN SEE STRAIGHT


No no, they got to CHOOSE what free ice cream cones they get, you get whatever Ice Cream Truck has not used, regardless whether you like the taste.


My fury is incandescent and I will have my revenge

Because they obviously want them to be a paid bundle or an unlockable later on.
Probably some late game penance or reward for doing new content that will definitely come.

Hey if major media companies in America can get mad over the funny orange fellow getting more ice cream than his contemporaries

We can get mad at Xbox players getting funny bucks while we get kitbashed reskins.

Of course. They choose to not remove the locks despite how vocal the players are about it, for example.
We’re not entitled to anything that isn’t in the ToS. We can (and should!) ask for stuff, but they owe us nothing.

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I am satisfied with these cosmetics.
Some ppl it seems can’t stop complaining at all, you’ve got 4 sets of new cosmetics which you weren’t entitled to. Yet you keep on crying like little wee girls on their first period or something, don’t you get sick of yourselves?
I sure do, all these negative vibes are getting too much, think something positive once in a while!

It’s funny.

People say, with varying degrees of politeness, that this isn’t what they were asking for.

And the reaction from people like you is ‘don’t you like getting something nobody asked for? No? Cry harder’.

Like, do you see the disconnect here?

Nobody wanted cosmetics, much less fundamentally lazy 90% reskin ones. What the community wanted was parity.

But you’d rather make yourself angry about people daring to complain about bad corporate practices and insult others than just ignore it.

Seriously, what’s your goal here? You’ve got ‘old man yells at cloud’ vibes going on.


But as I see it, we already have parity. PC players got to play the game for almost a year now, while xbox players were not able to do that. Aquilas are the compensation for waiting, cosmetics are a compliment for sticking around.


I don’t like this logic.
Sure, they could also ban us for complaining or they could increase the cosmetic prices on PC users for being such pearl clutchers!!!

Honestly I think they should at least give us some aquilas along with the re-coloured skins.
I think Microsoft paid for some of the xbox aquilas and FS doesn’t wanna give us any for free but it would be nice FOR ONCE if they actually gave us something that can be translated to money.

The skins are nice and all but at the end of the day it’s probably 2 weeks of work for 1-2 people which means around 5k euro cost of production to make it up to thousands of people who’ve spent hundreds of thousands of hours in the game (probably worth in the millions if you wanna translate it to money)

Anyway, i’m just upset that corporations will always make it sound like they love and appreciate the community but in reality this is true as long as it doesn’t cost them anything.


I really don’t understand that thought process. If you’d pre-ordered the game on Xbox, maybe I would, but as it stands…using the product you purchased is not something special, it’s the bare minimum. Like, if there was an in-game economy, item trading, whatever, where players from earlier had a marked advantage, your argument might have some legs, but as it stands…getting to use the product you purchased is not a privilege that alone ‘deserves’ compensation.


poeple wanted a thing only for pc players well then they got it…

i just hope its the end of this clown show


Yeah agreed that its better than nothing but still should have been more than one set…

I’m fine with the 4 sets of cosmetics. It’s like 10k worth of Aquilas + frames + xbox players or future pc players cannot get it. Only we will be able to roleplay the original first trailer for Darktide and no one else.

It’s a reasonable compromise imo. Looking forward to seeing the community move on from this drama and onto the coming anniversary maps/weapons or whatever it is.


Dream on, brother :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m particularly sure this is disinformation.

XBOX Game Pass is different from Windows Store. You would have to buy the game again on a Windows Store account* to be considered a PC player in this case.

*It is all one uniform collection of systems owned by Microsoft, but Windows Store is not the same as XBOX Game Pass.

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