Battle Forged Weapon Bundles

Look, I don’t want to come across as offensive or aggressive, but WTF Fatshark? :joy:

This was supposed to be your LIVE SERVICE title fuelled by the cosmetic shop.

  1. Your cosmetic shop is not fit for purpose
  2. Too many of your cosmetics are just recolours and mix ups of few patterns
  3. Cosmetics are overpriced, especially for what they are
  4. You insist on using a silly in-game currency instead of real money and abuse FOMO
  5. In hindsight, shouldn’t have you invested more into developing tools which allow you to produce more detailed and interesting cosmetics quicker?
  6. I bought your biggest in-game currency bundle NOT because I actually wanted to buy something, but because I felt like you deserved some support for your efforts to bring this title around.
  7. Could we see some actual effort from your cosmetic team? Some sets are actually quite good and have UNIQUE models:

8. Other are CLEARLY recolours, reuse the same pieces of of repeated pieces of character models, and have some extremely bland colours
9. At this point I genuinely wish the game just had DLC content
8. WTF Sweden? Please have mercy…


I’ve said it before: I want to give them my money, but the sets I want aren’t in rotation…


no it wasn’t. you pay a full price to play the game. the cosmetics are there on the side if you feel they’re a good price, and they’re priced the same way all GW products are.

“Here’s some blacked out weapons with chicken bones on 'em.”


this revision should have been the reappearance of those 800 aquilla weapon bundles. they’re just stock skins with bones on them in 99% of cases, no different than those old 800 aquilla camo bundles that were just a recolor of one mark.

When i saw this skins with mod early i thougt it will be rewards for havoc lvls. But reality is full of disappointment.

This shop page is something not right.


“Sorry sah, I 'te chickens”


Adding to the Book.

Homeslice an online title intended to run for many years with routine free updates and content releases and a continuing revenue stream built on microstransactions (as opposed to Expansion/DLC purchases) is a live service title by definition. But, as is usually the case, you knew that already and chose to post anyway…

Likewise, many cosmetics have increased in price at a rate GW itself wishes it could foist on consumers from their initial introduction rate to when they get recycled, and GW at least do manufacturing, design, and concept work all themselves in house, the only things coming from China are paper products (boxes/books), unlike with FS where Adia in China is handling most of the cosmetics/character work.

I can also paint GW products whatever colors/patterns I want :rofl:



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