You fishtank enthusiasts really caved to the "pls no fire" guy

Your taking feedback serious in all honors, but come on. Fire really didn’t need a nerf. Talking about this:…

  • Removed instant toughness depletion on touching fire. Slightly increased base damage, increased both flamers action speed and fire size, removed toughness regen when standing in fire and changed damage to tick higher the longer you stand in the fire to compensate.

Dev Note: This was done to reduce the frustrations of losing all toughness when briefly touching fire regardless of your toughness amount or damage reductions. Curios that affect bombers/flamers will be more viable as well.

As someone who enjoys roast chicken, barbeque and freshly roasted coffee beans, I am severely disappointed.
Please restore fire to it’s former glory. Haters can get burned at the stake!


The issue is that sometimes it will nuke your toughness even when the fire is off (the moment where you only see the particles floating). So nerfing it was a good idea.


I disagree, the implementation of fire in DT is funamentally flawed for how it should work. It should work like Gas Grenades Rats from Vermintide 2 where it causes an area of very slow tick damage that dissuades you from entering but can enter and pass through if you want to risk the small ticks if it is more strategically viable than staying on the side of the gas you are on. For some reason, in DT they decided they needed to be super annoying, causing a stagger and slow before they even explode completely, stripping toughness, and then burning your health. This on top of the fact that they do not need line of sight on you to hurl grenades at you while you are dealing with the new Crusher Platoons. Bad game design, straight up. If they want to remove frustration, they need to reset it the way it was but remove the toughness strip and slow/stagger. It will make the bombers easier but i would argue the bombers are not where the game difficulty should come from, its the combination of bomber area denial, trapper/mutant/dog operator removal from the fight, and flamers having more direct area denial/forced movement in combination with standard enemies engaging in shooting and stabbing. In a way that is what this change should be but they need to crank down the damage and remove the debuffs.


Popping VoC only to have the toughness snapped away by fire is something I do not want to experience again. This is a good change and an indirect buff to shout vets.


This is a welcome change, the stagger lock in fire was bulls… but as I have read, now fire basically instantly kills you. Not cool.


It needed the toughness insta fire deletion removed imo. Getting clipped by a flamer and a Groaner instant killing you because of no toughness felt awful.

I haven’t tried it yet but I’ve heard that fire is actually more dangerous than it was pre patch.



FatShark devs actually agree with you. They buffed the fire so hard it’s not funny.


Hilarious that the guy constantly crusading against anyone telling the devs to change things gets so mad when the devs change things themselves. Like bro is taking a NO CHANGES stance against the DEVELOPERS :skull:


It’s a buff. You get now roasted extra fast.


Feels like sh-t tho.


Get hit by a direct napalm stream, or within 2m of the grenade… fine, instant toughness delete. “Shock”. That makes sense. Dipping a pinkie as you’re trying to edge round the fire… stupid.

But I guess it’s hard to code, so … where’d you like that balance to be?

Its was a dog poo mechanic before now its works logically. How can you think it was good before when it literally made no sense. 1 flame lightly grazes your pinky toe and ALL toghness is gone? It was a braindead system they just need to find a middle ground where its dangerous and not a BS mechanic


Actually this is not a nerf but a buff, fire is much worse now if you are in a bad position.

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Seems to be a buff too. At first I got hit by a bomber nade at the outer edge and only hit a tick of damage to toughness. Nice! Then a muty tackles me into the fire, full health and full shield, then death. No chance at all. I was dead before he finished his last two slams.


I’ve seen ton of people insta die to fire now lmao, it’s more OP than ever.

Also don’t revive your teammate that’s sitting in fire, it seem the damage increase stack still going even when downed so they’ll just instantly explode as soon as they get on their feet.


Put in a few games, as others are suggesting this is actually a buff for the grenadiers, lmao. Especially if you have bad latency, for those in said club getting caught in a fire is now a guaranteed down. God Emperor save you if you’re down to a single wound.

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Been a few hours. You still agree with your own post?

That fire is pretty brutal atm. Genuinely have until your toughness runs out to relocate before you’re downed. It’s anything but a nerf.


This is the dumbest take i’ve seen here. This buffed Bombers so karking much that it makes them INSANELY MORE of a MUST kill target. You think it was bad for noobs, the bold and all around dumb player to take a chance at rescuing an operative while down or netted after a bomber hail married them in the flames? This makes that operative a ‘roast chicken’ and give that player the only thing he has left. Prayer to THE EMPEROR.

Also: You’re*

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I love how people are all like “fire works like THIS in real life! It wouldn’t nuke your toughness all at once!” as though “toughness” in real life isn’t just a tolerance for danger/pain and that most people don’t completely lose their ****ing minds if they get too close to fire.

That’s not a comment on this change, just a fun little observation on some people’s justification for changing it.

It’s almost like it’s beneficial to play a good amount with changes like this before you make a post…