Enemy Flames is crazy now! The patch read like is a buff for us. But plays like a nerf.
Sure it no longer 1 hits toughness. But the “Slightly increased base damage, increased both flamers action speed and fire size,” extremely fast ramps up to MASSIVE damage. Especially in Maelstorm Auric and especially for nades!
It is crazy. Please go back to the old flames. At least in those I can survive while jumping out of the flame puddle. Now takes longer to jump out or even dodge out when you see the nade land.
During that short time you in the flames, the super fast ticks build up to massive damage. It is crazy.
Yeah… please just revert the entire flamer/bomber change.
This is madness.
Before, it was completely fine, although i could understand why some people got annoyed by instant toughness deletion.
Fire is MUCH bigger now.
Still slows the player.
We now take full damage while jumping through fire, too (previously, we could jump around in the fire in order to take less damage).
The fire no longer deletes 100% toughness in 1 tick, but deals around 65 toughness dmg in a single tick. So your entire toughness is still gone in 2 ticks (which is almost instant).
Then the fire deletes health too (massively increased health damage).
Unless you only take 1 tick, you are now FAR worse off than before.
Because of how much bigger the fire is now, any situation where you would have taken 1 hit before, you will likely take 2-3 hits now.
Flames are now worse for the player in every single scenario.
Please revert this change.
It just sucks in every way.
keep the buff remove the nerf. They are already silently spawning bombers in the map and letting the fire slow you before the bomb even goes off, just revert the changes besides instantly removing toughness that needed to go. there didnt need to be a change besides that
Kinda weird actually, when I ran the new map earlier my toughness instantly vanished in the flames and I didn’t even register it. Just did my usual “oh ****” jump and vault out quickly. Treat it as normal.
If the fire still removes your toughness in milliseconds, what was the point of any of this??
Yes. It’s still early days but in 3 missions I died to fire more times than I have in probably the last month combined. I’m sure it might get a bit better the more we get used to it, but as stated it still almost instantly removes toughness except now it also instantly removes my entire healthpool as well. With the increased radius, overlapping flames can be fully impossible to escape without going down. While scary, It’s just not fun to play against.
Either revert the change, or make each fire tick do considerably less damage.
Imo high damage instead of toughness instadelete is fine, they just need to tweak numbers. We have stims now, game should become harder for counter balance.
When i first read the change I knew something fishy was up, I was already advocating to run 60% bomber reduction as even before it was the most important curio stat you could run, seems like thats even more true now. Hopefully they reduce the damage or revert the change all together, the instant break toughness was rough but it was still manageable
The real fix they need to do is remove the slow and stagger on fire, Gas rats didnt slow you, why does fire??
stimms dont counterbalance bad game design, they empower your offense but all the offensive buffs in the world dont matter if you are too crispy to shoot. The damage is too high, especially with larger fire pools and far too many bombers spamming grenades from places you cant see them. Bombers aren’t even supposed to do damage they should limit your movement potential by incentivizing you to avoid the fire but not prevent you from burning through a little toughness or health to navigate it if its tactically viable. The slow/toughness strip/burn from before made it intolerable just like like the slow/heavy heavy burn they have now. They just don’t know what their game is supposed to do. This wouldn’t be as annoying if they didn’t already have better versions in Vermintide 2
Knowing how they distribute loot spawns around map, addition of stims likely means less ammo drops and less medkit/ammo crate drops as well to fit in stims, Almost guaranteed youll find the same amount of empty chests. Stims being added doesnt necessarily mean an easier game
This means your team already failed once. Failed to apprehend the bomber that is. Snipers and bombers are high value targets. Don’t allow them to loiter.
Even then there usually is still an escape. Most people I see dying in fire just aren’t reactive enough. Or they’re so heavily surrounded, they’d have died without the fire, too.
Oh, yes, let me kill the 3 silent bombers we can’t even see on a level above us, that covered with flames the corridor we have to traverse to get to the exit point.
Why wasn’t I reactive enough to predict 3 bombs were going to rain on our heads before predicting the director would have spawned a bunch of maulers on our asses!