Bombers supposed to be an almost guaranteed death if you don't have like 300 health or something?

Just asking…

ye if you psyker ye, maybe try knife, or saber, to keep you mobile

Bomber? The guy with the grenades? Did they buff its damage massively? Because so far, it just set the ground on fire, and they supposedly just made that less impactful. (not sure that part of the patch is active yet, or implemented properly. Is this about the flame damage being higher now?)
Scab Bombers were definitely on the mild side as far as specials go.
Edit: … it might actually be way strong now? It’s kind of hard judging fatsharks intentions on these changes, the difference between “we want to try this because we think it’s a swag idea” and “oops, someone mixed up + and -, and we also put the decimal separator at the wrong spot” is rather small, and not easily differentiated.

They buffed flames and made it worst. It is a nerf to us.

The ticks eat your toughness for breakfast and proceed to have lunch and dinner on your health in seconds. It is crazy. Especially in Auric Maelstorm.

Also the flame puddle is FREAKING huge now. Good luck jumping out.

My main complaint was how bombers have a gazillion range and can throw from out of LOS on certain maps. Second complaint was the weird slow on explosion, and third was the instant toughness destruction being kinda annoying and finicky, tied with how quick the ground gets completely covered in fire the instant more than one bomber stays alive to throw.

Overall, it sounds like bombers are actually significantly more dangerous without any of the other problems being addressed, plus a huge buff to flamers. Hope everyone likes swimming in massive fire puddles that cover 100% of the floor!

Bombers were pretty much fine, same with flamers. They should have just made the toughness changes and left it at that

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They were 100% beatable, which is not the same thing as “fine” which is a bit of a subjective measure. I found them very annoying especially when they throw from out of LOS from a mile away, which is only an issue on a couple of map sections.

I agree that the fire area buffs are completely unnecessary given the overall damage buff. It seems like they’re balancing around bomber/flamer curio reduction.

I played 1 run only so far, but seems like flamers even more worthless and bomber even more dangerous.

Bat overall rising difficulty is fine, considering we have stims now.

Yup boycott the game, don’t put up with this garbage change.

Making it so you can’t move is not increased difficulty, it is BS. They buffed enemy flames but player flames? NOPE.



Seem like they’ll hotfix it


Do note also, that if you have any sort of latency issues getting caught even at full toughness and HP also guarantees a down more often than not, especially if the player doesn’t have precog reflexes.


Yeah this seems like a blatant bug. Sure in the context of 1 it’s fine but when you are likely getting multiple bombers and flamers plus disablers and curios aren’t doing anything then something is off.

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Bruh, was obviously being overdramatic in response to the general vibe of the post.

The change is braindead and shows they don’t pay attention to feedback, not really.

They also Nerfed revolver carapace damage (which is fair) but gave the reason as being because of hand cannon…you know something not all players have due to the horrible crafting system. So they nerfed it because of a blessing, okay, still fair… they nerfed the blessing too… yeah they are braindead.

That’s the problem with buffs and nerfs in this crafting system, they are absolutely brutal because it’s hard for players to adapt to the changes

Eh? The change is fine they just need to tune the numbers to make sure people aren’t getting bursted down the moment they get caught by a flamer or grenadier.

Revolver is still nuking things just fine, crushers included. I just wrapped up a game an hour ago with a VoC vet that managed to net 1mil dmg, and hoarded all the special and elite kills. All on the Zorona. The rest of us weren’t even struggling or anything. Guy just made us feel like he was running an aimbot, lmao. Then there’s the new 'vovler basically being the ranged version of the thunderhammer, the damn thing is atomizing bosses.

I feel like it’s more nothing gets tested before it’s pushed out.


Probably. You would think the devs would play their own game on coop for 2-3 missions, then have a brief meeting on the experience before rolling out an update.


If they played 2-3 missions before a patch of this size, the results are certainly positive.
I can understand a lot of small things slipping by. Probably some decimal separator misplaced or other.
Though they should have caught this one.

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