New fire is broken but still beatable

The new fire is broken. Simple as that. Hound, trapper, sniper, etc don’t have the constant insane pressure that a flamer and grenadier have, so since fire atm insta kills you the fire enemies are currently way more dangerous than all other 1 hit kill enemies. This is obviously a bug and needs to be fixed and I agree it needs to be fixed…BUT. I have been able to win games. The difficulty increases SIGNIFICANTLY. If all players don’t play their part almost perfectly you will lose. But it’s still possible to win. Which makes me think. This would actually be a good modifier to add to the game.

High heat… Infernal… W/E you want to call it but a modifier that plays how fire plays now would actually be a pretty fun addition imo. It significantly increases difficulty so shouldn’t be base but it is beatable so wouldn’t be a bad idea to make it a modifier.


I haven’t been caught in the new flames yet and I’m very grateful for that.

Flamers and bombers were the most dangerous enemy in the whole game before and after, compared to the rest of the roster, and imo that is kind of imbalanced and should be adjusted more than it is. Fire deals heavy damage, staggers you, obscures vision, and creates area of denial. No other enemy has as much of a bloated kit. Sure it’s beatable but it isn’t enjoyable.

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yk i thought that the toughness change to fire was a good thing (and it is) but now that it doesnt delete toughness instantly it deletes health instead. i think it needs just a tad bit more tuning

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If anything, this patch really has unveiled how many people like a quick ‘boast and roast’ in their missions.

I still can’t figure out how you can stay in the fire so long, it starts to delete your health.
You guys are all sluggish poxwalkers! GET THOSE REFLEXES IN GEAR, BOIS.

Every enemy attack could be one hit kill and it would still be beatable, doesn’t mean it should though.

but yeah, if it’s an modifier it might be something. Idk if it would be fun since people already groaned the last time FS said they reduce flamers wave spawn but then the game still proceed to spawn 4-5 flamers at once. If that isn’t already fix in lastest patch.

It depends per character.

If I’m on my zealot I usually have enough HP and Toughness to get out of it reasonably well as well as escape tricks. I can generally just icon through it ok bad spots like double or triple bomber spam.

Same with Ogryn. Charges or just go and toughness.

Vet is 50/50 on the situation.

My Psyker might as well be a snowman during a heat wave. If I don’t instantly dodge out of it then I’m essentially dead.

If they had an initial damage spike then the tick it would be manageable but even if I avoid the initial damage all the damage being in the dot is rough.

Stay long in fire? You only need like 1 second to almost die.


Hitstuns also prevent you from moving before taking like 100 HP damage as anything but TWBS Zeal but its another huge brain take from mr ‘old assail would be useless if nerfed’

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Oh look, the "you are all bad"guy has returned.


It’s more like 2-4 depending on your toughess. And that’s still a lot of time, especially in combat.

For the hitstun from the grenade to matter, you have to stand in the center when it goes off. When you’re at the edge, you can still walk out and take zero damage, since the first tick is free.

The thing is, ideally one shouldn’t even be caught in the explosion. There is a lot of tells and telegraphing that a grenade is coming. Even if you’re surrounded, you should manage to at least get to the edge of the explosion so you can walk out.

Getting occasionally hit is one thing, but the way these anti-bomber / anti-fire threads read, you’d think they place a 10 by 10 meter lava field of undodgable stunkill.

Curiously ingame, it’s more of a rare occasion for me seeing people go down in the fire. What I see people die most by in T5 Auric is Mauler overhead strikes of instant doom or disabler spam. But rarely the fire or it’s damage.

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I think it’s better even in current overtuned state. The old one would tick once, and destroy my toughness leaving me vulnerable to being stunlocked (dumb mechanic) vs this one where I can just sprint slide out, or even jump over flamer patches, and be completely fine.

I use a dagger on every character that can use it other than psyker who still uses a weapon that also has movetech (MK IV duel) so maybe the extra mobility from that makes me biased.

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whatever you do, don’t revive teammates in fire because they’re gonna eat it as soon as they get up lol


This stuff right here is what annoys me. Time your revives, people.

That’s interesting. I only play Auric Maelstrom and I don’t think I’ve ever really seen someone die from the overhead attack from Maulers. I do see people get caught by hounds and trappers on occasion but the number one reasons I see people die is being swarmed when cc’d. Now since fire is broken I’m seeing a lot more deaths by fire. Usually bombers 1-3 carpeting an area or flamers engulfing a large area with continues insta death/stuns. It takes 3 ticks at full health to kill you.

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Honestly lmao. Sure, you can move through tough break’s massive hit stun that forces even Oggs to dead stop. And somehow not lose almost all HP in this already admitted to be broken rate of tick damage. Better be on the lookout for the real danger, overheads that take 5 seconds. Are you seriously going to comment about skill ever again? At least don’t ever talk down to us again after that gem. You legitimately lost all right.


TBF it’s literally a 1 hit and it’s very possible for maulers to do it while entirely obscured by other enemies and catch people off guard. Not saying I actually see this happen often since maulers usually get kinda bullied and just aren’t even given the opportunity, but it can happen with enemies basically stacking on top of each other sometimes.

Anyway fire is kinda dumb but I seem to have managed to avoid being hit by it almost at all since the patch, but that also might just be due to the director seeming to have chilled a good bit.

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Ok, I’ll rephrase. From the reductive non argument that is everything being skill issue, the mauler is very low in threat compared to current fire. And not being able to appreciate why that is could very much be skill issue itself. Maulers stuck in your face can get bullied by even by a pathetic Veteran in melee, they are too weak still in stagger strength. I can’t wrap my brain around somehow losing to these guys on the regular, yet never having one issue with flamethrowers.

Fire forms yet another possible instant down check, for the crime of not being at max toughness when fire first touched you. Obviously there is much more risk to players in one than the other after a certain point of skill progression. This should be wildly obvious after a short time of play.


The mechanic is way better than the old one as it now does tick damage as it always should have but the rate that it scales up in damage is WAY to fast. They made steps in the right direction but just needs turning a lil bit

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Yeah, his argument is always “don’t stay in fire, duuuuh!”, to which you could reply “don’t get hit by the ogryn, duuuuh!”.