For the love of the emperor, reduce explosion knockback

Legit no one likes insta dying to knockback. Bosses? Sure fine. Where you fight a boss should matter and Im cool with it.

But explosions on flamers, bursters and barrels? Nah, it needs to be changed. Maybe, MAYBE if enemies also had to deal with the same insane knockback distance. But the fact that you added more interactions in the game with literally the worst mechanic. This feels just like the haphazard shooters change last patch that wanted us to pretend like the game is a cover shooter.


I 100% agree to this, flamers are not suppose to be just mobile barrels, actual insane design choice, I love that they explode but they 100% should not have any knockback its just not fun anymore

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i like the new flamers exploding, knockback is fine, because it actually can be useful in some instance for positioning. it also doesn’t do damage afaik.

maybe don’t engage them in melee if you see their canister gas is about to explode.

I agree

It does do true damage


You’re saying its not that bad because you can use if for movement. Then turning around and saying you should be punished with death for getting hit by it?

So I feel like that proves my point for why it just straight up doesnt work. If the 2 possible interactions are instant death or “helping you out” , which just comes off as a contrarian take in all honesty, shows that its one of the most punishing interactions in the game or not.

If you want to punish players for being in the explosion radius then maybe stun them and force them to stand in the fire instead of a loony toons interaction of an ogryn flying 15 yards that may or may not just end the run.

And dont compare it to poxbursters cause their interaction is entirely different.

Just as useful for movement as a Poxwalker blown up next to you by a trigger-happy teammate with no reactive counterplay possible.

Trash take. Knockback has to go.

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there is a counterplay: engaging them in melee or shooting them with ranged without hitting the canister gas.

knockback is fine. if you have issues with it, you should consider different approaches. skill issue otherwise.

the keyword is ‘reactive’, what you said isn’t reactive - it’s preventative. can you even read?

there is no counterplay to trigger-happy teammates. knockback has to be gone so griefers like you cant kill teammates lol

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i’m not a teamkiller, because i deal flamers with melee, so i don’t even ignite their canister gas.

you get slapped by flamers and now you want knockback to be nerfed cause you can’t get around and deal with this new mechanic. the same as when people were mindlessly shooting poxbursters.

I’m not quite clear on the trigger for them to explode. Like if the backpack has already been hit and is shooting out gas does any kill trigger the explosion from that point? Or does the killing blow have to be landed on the backpack for it to explode?

I’ve been caught out by it melee killing one when the backpack had already been hit but I’m not sure if I accidentally hit the backpack when I killed it or if the requirement is just any kill after the backpack has been sufficiently damaged.

If the latter I think that should be changed probably but want to clarify first.

once the canister gas is lit, any melee or ranged damage will make them explode, regardless where you hit them.

hence why if the canister gas is lit, it is better to back up and use ranged, and wait to shoot them, just like the poxbursters

Ok yeah then I’m not a huge fan of that, hard with the chaos of many games not to just conclude that meleeing them at all is simply best avoided. You can’t know a team mate isn’t going to suddenly shoot them as you approach by which point you may already have reached them and be committed.

Making it require the finishing blow hitting the backpack would be both more intuitive and not over punish killing them in melee.

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dude now you’re just blasting at me. though I’m not surprised, when you can’t even read ‘reactive’ lol

i guess once you start playing aurics you will learn that teammates blowing things up next to you just happens and we need less of that not more. unles you’re that kind of teammate lol


speaking in general about them, in my opinion it is something that people will get used to it in the future, most of players right now don’t know fully their mechanics (it is normal because new mechanic introduced, and there is also a 2nd stage animation when canister gas is damaged, there is a countdown where flamers will explode by themselves) and how to deal with them with this new mechanic

personally during my games, i really never had issues even in the most chaotic games.

there is also a way to counter them by hitting them with ranged without hitting the canister gas, or meleeing them in the first place, which is very rewarding.

in auric people are getting used to it for what i’m seeing, and if the canister gas is lit, they will stop shooting them and find the right moment to deal with it.

knockback didn’t really bother me, and i also think there is a way already to prevent entirely the knockback already even if you are near to them, but people are not testing how these enemies work.

i do play auric and maelstorm

flamers are the most easiest enemy ever, especially after the nerfs

thanks to this new mechanic, added a good and fair risk, and it has counterplay that rewards players by not shooting their canister gas. there are many ways to deal with them. if you hit their canister gas and is lit, if you actually kill them with a lethal blow with ranged and they have low hp, they won’t even explode despite the canister gas being lit…

if you can’t do this, then it is up to you.
in auric people rarely make them explode really.

i just assume you had difficulties with it and now you are asking for nerfs, which is ok, but you went attacking and being salty by attacking first. so don’t be surprised.

you’re the ‘git gud gamer’ throwing skill issue out of the blue dude, it’s as toxic as it gets. i’m not surprised you’re toxic though, thats how you went into this thread and now you’re acting victim lol.

i told you in every single post that my problem is with careless teammates since i can manage just fine, and you disregarded it over and over and again. the only conclusion i can draw is that you can’t read since it’s only now that you acknowledge it lol.

and no this isn’t a ‘fix the community’ kind of thing. unless you can go and ‘fix the community’ by yourself faster than it would take for the devs to decrease the knockback of course kek

no, you started with the “trash take”.

you can’t be civil by expressing an opinion, so you are the toxic one. “lol”

you are doing the victim now.

again, it is okay if you are having issues with it, just get better, finding new approaches and ways to deal with the new flamers behaviour. for now, it is skill issue.

decreasing the difficulty it is also an option if you are having issues.

you are that teammate that would mindlessly shoot poxbursters and damage teammates. same about flamers. so it is just an issue related to skill

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