The Vets weakness is running. 200% more dmg intake while sprinting. And lonesome melee mobs that spawn in his back while he is shooting range enemies that blast away his teammate’s toughness bars.
The Vets main duty is killing ranged enemies an Specials via ranged weak spot hits. His main obstacle to do his duty are big hordes of Poxwalker and lone melee mobs hitting him while aiming.
And the Vets MOST DANGEROUS and MOST OBNOXIOUSLY ANNOYING ‘‘WEAKNESS’’ are some people who play Zealot and/or Ogryn, and have a wrong understanding of their role and strong points in the squad. So they open treads again and again, that the Vet should have his only reliable choice of melee weapon either nerfed or even taken away.
-Ogryn’s Role is not dealing dmg! FS made it to be the Ogryns greatest power to apply crowd controll (CC) on treats to his team while being able to sustain great pressure from all sides, that he shrugs off by his high amount of toughness regeneration and his HP pool.
-Zealots Role is not that of the ONE and ONLY meant to be HERO that charges into bulks of enemies on the opposite site of the room to flay them all in seconds. FS made it to be the Zealots greatest power to handle large amounts of enemies strait on, aggressive and fast. Without the need to constantly fear loosing to much health, because of its ability to regenerate HP. Tools that the Zealot needs to step in, where others get pushed back.
Vet’s get their shots sucked up by massive Ogryn bodys. And their special ability rendered 100% wasted as soon as a Zealot fires off his Flamer inside closed areas, into a crowd of poxwalkers while everyone gets shot by the range enemies behind them and out of the flamers reach.
And on top of that day in and day out people mistake the uselessness of the Vet’s other melee choices in terms of attack pattern as a sign that the Power Sword would be OP and too strong.
Veteran players not even like to use their melee weapon. They are meant to be popping off heads with their rifles. They have no charge or pushback special! They have a visual special, that they even share with the group in 90% of the builds. There is no other way for them to get melee trash mobs to stop hitting them, other than killing these mobs fast in situations where they have to shoot that bomber or sniper NOW. That bomber or sniper that, can turn a hard encounter into a lost mission in seconds.