I wouldn’t call it toxicity, stupidity is more appropriate. You can’t even use correct spelling when insulting someone. Toxicity is all the people wishing FatShark happy holidays and completely ignoring the blatant problems. Game literally doesn’t work on consoles and barely any content is ever made.
Happy holidays to the team and thank you for making such an incredibly fun game.
We might moan a lot on these forums but you should know it’s only because we all love the game so much that our personal investment and commitment is at absolute peak with DT. we just care about it so damn much
I do try and compliment as well as grumble but maybe I should try and do it a bit more.
Thank you again for making this piece of art and can’t wait for all the stuff to come.
Whatever they’re paying you, @FatsharkStrawHat, they should double it. Look at the massive difference in sentiment this time last year vs now. That’s in large part thanks to you.
I know there are other variables behind the scenes but you can’t understate what a difference the communication makes.
Yeah you must be fun at parties, god you sound miserable, if it wasn’t for console fat shark wouldn’t have been able to afford to continue development on this game. Why do you think they released it on ps5. They needed the cash injection to make it into the next year.
Thank you for the unlocked and loaded patch. Still not the itemization I’d prefer, but close enough to play it again.
I had 12 hours after the beta and now I’m at 150 and that number is only going to grow
How everyone has good holidays and I’m looking forward to the new stuff coming next year.
It runs smoothly most of the time and deffo doesnt " crash every single game". In fact during our 12hr sessions it often only crashes a few times for any of them.
Im sorry that some people have had a bad experience, Im not trying to invalidate the fact that it runs like dog for a selection of people, it still doesnt change the fact that it works very well for many of us too.
Im actually gonna install it on my PS5 too using the account sharing with my bro just to get the console experience. I suspect my experience will mirror my friends i.e. works fine 95% of the time.
I will not outright say ‘Fatshark has turned the corner’ since the release of Havoc mode proves whatever gang of idiots was responsible for the worst aspects of Darktide still holds sway.
But I will state that thanks to Strawhat, Fatshark is actually communicating. And that makes a considerable difference.
Sure, must be nice. Some people have higher ping than others. Not everyone has access to fiber optic, some use cellular WiFi a common and cheaper option to said fiber optics. So there ping tends to jump up and down a little bit, as well as already being naturally higher. It’s mainly a sever problem, not a game coding problem, but continuing to optimize the game would also be helpful.
Yes the holidays are here enjoy them and see you next year. But man I hope to the Emperor next year is actually delivering on content and not just 7 weapons (sorry, marks still aren’t delivering up the gameplay flare of another weapon) 2.3 maps and the gas bomber. And seeing Havoc at all and now more dedication to making that fun before any mention of eg. new enemies is having me deeply concerned. Can we at least look forward to some content and no more porting?
I know and that sucks, Iv been there too
Early V2 on PS4 was a painful experience for me and there were extended months I had to stop playing because I would get kicked from every game.