Summer Announcement

Hey there Devoted Rejects,

It’s that time of year again. During the month of July, a lot of people in Sweden take time off to enjoy the peak summer weather before it disappears. A lot of employees at Fatshark take this time, too.

While not everyone is going to be away, there will be less hotfixes during this time. The next hotfix is expected in the first full week of August.

We know communication from us has been a sore point for the community and we’re working on it. This isn’t going to be a period of silence. We are working through pages and pages of feedback from the Introduction to Itemization Rework dev blog. After talking more with the team, we hope to begin dropping at least a couple updates and responses to those questions in the form of additional news posts throughout July, with longer posts coming in August.

We are also working on a couple of dev blogs about creating Darktide and what it looks like from a game development perspective (think cinematics, voice overs and audio, etc.). These will be coming in July, as well.

Thank you again for the feedback recently and the opportunity to change the momentum. We’ll be talking soon.

P.S. In the meantime, have you listened to the newest Darktide OST?


stay safe!



Let’s see how it shakes out.

Adding this as progress towards the whole Book of Grudges thing. If Darktide comms get ‘fixed’ then that’s a big weight off it.


enjoy the vacation!


recharged your batteries and the get your sh*t together , i don’t want to see this game going down , enjoy your free time


are we seriously going to wait another 2 months until spawns are fixed?



Stay safe. Get some good rest and i hope everyone comes back better then ever!

People who are burnt out and beaten down arent gonna be able to fix or update much of anything.


i hope everyone who’s having a break is going to get back fresh and do way more work than before

(we wish for updates but i dont think anyone wishes for people to burn down and go insane, so have a nice rest and hope y’all get back happy from vacation*)


I was incorrect to hope that FS had started the process of unwatering their sinking ship. You all might as well take all the paid vacation time you can get before those vacations become permanent.

Seriously, you guys are ALWAYS on vacation, or recovering from vacation, or preparing to go on vacation. You’re in the office less than actual unemployed people.


Have a good summer but… cmon guys… sure take breaks but also work on the game, i will agree you did put out good updates but, the cosmetics in the shop are always just reused or reskinned, the long wait for the weapons and 1 map to be added was quite long, and most of the time the community is clueless about what you guys work on.

I know its a lot to ask but, perhaps if you were more transparent in the work you do for next update then we wouldnt get so restless

-From Ulgo, Ripper Lover.


I hear you, Ulgo. Thanks for this. We plan to continue to be more transparent from here on what we’re working on for the next updates.

And while some people are on break, not everyone will be. There is still work going on in the background and I’ll see what we can share in the meantime. o7


I like the post. I think you did good.

Eh, I’m hoping for more educational material on why you took Darktide in the direction you did regarding crafting as well as the loss of campaign that Vermintide had. Honestly I just want more info on why Darktide went into such an opposite direction that it ended up feeling like a regression to us Vermintide fans.


Thank you for being so forward, Strawhat. Lately, as a community manager, you’ve actually been managing the community and it turns out you’re pretty good at it.

I do have a brief question, and if you cant answer it here then that’s fine. Recently, somebody posted on Reddit some leaked datamined stuff which references PS5. Is part of Darktide’s slow development process because the team’s doing work on a port?


If you’re taking feedback, one thing that might silence a lot of discontent is a revamp of both the free and paid stores.

The current FOMO system basically trades long-term enjoyment for short-term profit. Having a far wider array of stuff for purchase in both stores - especially the free one, which desperately needs new meshes and outfits - would make everyone happier and keep people buying cosmetics.

Obviously at your usual pace I wouldn’t expect to hear anything about this for a while. But maybe make a note of it. The Book has its largest section about problems with the cosmetics system iirc.

I do have to agree. Dude (are they a dude?) has been putting in the work recently. Hire them full-time Fatshark, you need an employee who’s willing to manage.


All I’m allowed to say is that it is being developed. o7



That’s pretty big.


Thank you for this feedback too, I am collecting a list now that I’ll have a little bit more breathing room in the next month. I can’t make guarantees but I will do my best to move this forward.

Your book is known and being referenced. :pray: Honestly thank you for compiling and linking so well.

Also, I am not a dude. :wink:


Finally. Just some transparency. That is all that we wanted from the start. None of us wanted to see Darktide turn out the way it did. We just wanted you be upfront and honest with the community from the start.


Also, Asuka’s right. Fluff pieces about VO and set design is great and informative, but that’s also basically all Fatshark posts about until and unless there’s community-requested content.

Are we gonna hear about the development process for the game’s systems? I wanna know more about Fatshark but the only time FS posts about the company it’s gotta do more with anything tangential or fringe. I wanna know more about FS as an office.


I’ll make a list of the topics y’all want to hear about (and the blogs will also be asking player what they want to hear more about). I’d love to be able to put more out stuff like that. o7