Summer Announcement

Always ready to give tips! (I say tips loosely more like suggestion)

Ok! That makes sense. Thank you StrawHat.

I do wish FS would be more forward. “Sorry, guys, we’re busting out a PS5 port and it’s absorbed resources. We didn’t mean to abandon communication and content again but these ports are difficult to make work while accomodating full crossplay and 100% parity.”

I’m not suggesting you say this, like, this isnt a critique of you or anything. But I think we’d all feel better about the whole “Fatshark can’t keep timetables until the ports are done” thing if we knew the ports were coming.


All that I personally want is just clarity. For a long time some of us thought Darktide was designed maliciously just to screw with us. I personally thought you guys just didn’t care and made the game in a cynical way for retention mechanics.

Having actual, honest to god, communication on the why for the systems would go a long way.


See boys? What did i keep saying? Have faith. Not hope but Faith in them!

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Unsure how I feel about that tbh. Like I did make it in the hopes people would use it but I never anticipated ‘it’s being referenced for feedback’ to be officially confirmed.



Hard same!

“Our gear system is, and has been, a placeholder for our original vision” would placate so. many. people. Like, it feels like we all understamd FS better than FS is willing to admit and our half of the bridge has been out here for yeeeeears on these topics.


having seen the close range bug resolved I would like to mention Lucius 2 sway values when aimed. And swaying when aiming in general, the bolt pistol/bolt gun suffer this. alongside recoil taking place before the shot fires.

enjoy your summer frolic and gallivant


Exactly. If it was originally just a placeholder or they couldn’t get the system in time, then tell us, so we can understand; and not spend years of our life theorizing that this is just because the developer hates us.


Deserved vacation.
This year you really did well, and most recently, the communication has been great.


Yes, big heard on this.

“Our gear system is, and has been, a placeholder for our original vision” would placate so. many. people. Like, it feels like we all understamd FS better than FS is willing to admit and our half of the bridge has been out here for yeeeeears on these topics.

And big heard on this too. We’ll work on bridging that gap. o7


Ordinarily I’d have said no, with the whole ‘yeah we did nothing for four months, here’s a map, us implementing the system we’d wanted to have at launch for penances, and some weapons’ thing.

But knowing there’s a PS5 port in the works, and hearing about the massive itemization shakeup, does actually give me hope. It also explains why output is so low.

That said I’m not gonna talk about ‘deserved’ vacations. People deserve vacations regardless, and I envy Sweden for its worker’s rights programs.


@FatsharkStrawHat By the way why do you call us rejects. Normies don’t like that. I don’t like that either. Is it possible for us to get called anything else instead of ‘rejects’.


I honestly was just told that’s what to call y’all, if you don’t like it I can use something else. o7


Going back to ‘Acolytes’ would probably soothe a couple ruffled feathers. It’s very much a minor thing but CM work is full of those afaict.

checks list

Also another Grudge would get checked off. Almost forgot that one lol


I’m no Warhammer fanatic so I don’t know, but please, anything but ‘rejects’.


Please lock your best level designer in a room and get them to make whitebox 24/7 so we can get a steady flow of awesome new maps :grin:

I’m sure you can slide a bowl of food under the door every now and then :ok_hand: :stew:


Oh! Dang, sorry about that. You dont gotta tell anybody your gender or anything but is gender neutral stuff like “they” chill or should we be using something else?


enjoy your vacation to the fullest.

before the lights go dark in the office, could you get us a heads-up on the error 2014 disconnects ? they seem to increase as of late, would be a bummer to have time off and not be able to play due to disconnects.


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Heavily noted :white_check_mark:


Thank you for asking. I go by she/her, but they is perfectly fine :+1: