Will we ever get a solo/friends only lobby (private match)?

Half of my frustrations playing this game comes from this.

Since the launch of this game, a big chunk of the community asked for this. If you can make a private match, I’m sure there are many who quit this game due to lack of private match would come back. I’m sure now that the servers are a little lax now, it doesn’t take too much resources to not justify this.

Completing contracts become a massive chore as well without solo que. When you have a melee kill and everyone else is using range as a primary and vice versa, or if you have no death run and some numb-nut always shoots off into space with a barrel, or just dies instantly any elite comes into play. And before you go off about “Oh you are supposed to cover for them!”, yeah, nah. It’s not my job to baby sit someone who melees barrels at a ledge or who goes down whenever there is more than 2 pox walkers, no matter the difficulty, or even when someone just goes AFK for 5+ minutes.

Also, the myriad of complaints about speed-running vs slow crawling a game would be gone if you didn’t have to que with someone who takes 20 mins to turn a corner, or if you want to take it slow, who speed runs.

I don’t have a lot of time to play sometimes, so before the week ends, I’d like to finish a run quick alone, but that can’t be done unless I’m super lucky enough that there is nobody else who is in que at the same difficulty/map.

I’m sure if you are on Xbox or don’t know how to mod, solo queing would also serve as a test zone with AI on.

If fatshark is really worried about lack of server resources, then please just make it possible to make a match with friends only like helldivers 2 did. I’m sure you can at least manage that?

If that’s still a no-go, is there a real reason why we don’t have private matching as a solo que?

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Late summer 23 FS stated that solo is no priority for them. Radio silence since then. I wouldn’t hold my breath.


Been barkin up this tree for ages. Still wana see it but…losing hope on it


Kind of sad really, I don’t think it’s hard to implement, but would have lots of returning players

I’d count the idea as scrapped along with their long forgotten weapon attachment system (The real crafting).

For now just use the tertium 5 mod, may not be ideal but it’s all we have atm. Feel bad for the xbox players lol

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Isn’t a friends-only private lobby already an option with a Strike Team?

Solo-queue would be nice, but for most contract runs, if I just need to finish something out like run 8 missions or kill X dregs, I’ll just run Sedition or Uprising games, often I’m the only one in there most of the run.

Soon ™

(Sorry, I had to)

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Only if you have at least one more friend in your strike team at the moment. You cannot launch a private game with just yourself and then have friends join, or not (like it was in Vermintide). A shame, really.

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