Private matches w/ bots

With it launching for xbox fineally in october i just really hope that private matches where you can play with bots are fully implemented. However good the bots are or are not. However stupid the bots are or are not some people just genuinely prefer to play alone with bots over people no matter the quality of the bots in question.

If the ability to play solo with only bots is already in and i SOMEHOW missed it please feel free to ignore me and or mock me in accordance with imperial regulations

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for now you can only go privat with at least one friend (and two bot), full solo is still in dev. i’m guessing that they are working something so the solo player can host the match on his computer so it doesn’t munch on the general server capacity.

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I thought their AI stuff was server-side and so the solo match needs to be hosted that way still? I don’t know, I have no knowledge of the inner workings of their networking.

But, I too am waiting impatiently for the ability to solo w/AI. IDGAF if the bots are dumb when it first is available, the bots don’t put pressure on me in a match by simply existing as another human being. Lol.


The solo mod hosts your mod locally - which instantly solve input lag and hit regestration issues so it is technically possible and I seriously hope they go for this solution.


That’s glorious, and I might have to go set that up. I just want to chill and murder heretics with some derpy bots, lol.

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That’s an interesting thought. I did not think of that.

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