Will pay 10$ for a key

To Fatshark,

I will pay 10$ (in Aquilas) for one key that opens one lock.

We got a deal?


If they introduced this kind of pay to win, they would in one second loose all of the little good will they managed to gather since releaseā€¦


how about $3.50 then?


What about one singular Aquila?

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Thatā€™d arguably be worse.


That would invalidate everything they have said thus far about crafting locks and also look really greasy to boot.
Not gonna happen and that is a good thing.


Man, if you are at that point where you would spend 10$ to break a lockā€¦ touching grass wonā€™t help anymore. Maybe itā€™s time to see a professional?

Good troll post btw


Iā€™ve been playing Darktide for hundreds of hours. Iā€™m willing to give it an extra 10$ as a token of my appreciation. But Iā€™m not interested in cosmetics. So why not spending it on breaking locks?

One single (sign of the) Aquila is a fair price:

If you cannot show your dedication to Imperium of Man, you donā€™t deserve to have Holy Tools of Omnissiah at their full Might!


I aint givin you no 3.50 you damn loch ness monster!


what is there a sale on loch ness munchies or something?

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If you want to give the game the coup de gras, sure.


Give up yo dolla! Give it up, give it up!

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Pretty dangerous monetization suggestion. 10 dollars per lock. I wonā€™t pay a single cent for it, base game or bust.

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Thatā€™s not a Fatshark. Thatā€™s a Leanwhale.

Well considering

  • the pathetic ā€œcontentā€ we got in 7 months that makes single person MODDB pages look like AAA studios

  • the endless Swedish holidays

  • the eternal ā€œweā€™re discussing this internally but canā€™t say anythingā€

  • the almost insane unwillingness to budge on anything that actually worked in VT1/2 or what the community wants

  • the horrible, overpriced monetisation that took a turn for the worse this last month and is nowhere near this galaxy in terms what this company deserves.

You might as put it out of misery.


Thatā€™s the second post Iā€™ve seen suggesting micro transaction to break the lock. Can we please not make the game even worse?


the game is dead anyway. we just dont know it yet.


They canā€™t think outside of the box. They (possibly) thinks that locks will hold people in the game, but in reality, it alienate people. They thinking that if they will remove the locks and other mechanics that making the game incredibly grindy, people will get all what they want and will stop playing. Well, itā€™s kind of true, but if you will lose people anyway, it better to make a game everyone enjoying and returning to play from time to time, instead of being diсks and making a game in which you canā€™t have anything without spending unholy amount of time grinding.


If thatā€™s their line of thinking then they truly donā€™t know what keeps people playing, just like Vermintide 2. Theyā€™re alienating both the casual and more hardcore with their designs being both magnitudes more grindy and making it practically improbable to aim for anything specific in a time frame that doesnā€™t discourage even hardcore players. The mission system severely restricts what you can play and their item balance is so out of whack exacerbated by an atrocious gearing and crafting system.

The core gameplay is good, but even the best cut of wagyu beef steak can be ruined by sandwiching it in mouldy or rotting bread.