I tried not to rant but I might have let loose a little. These are my thoughts on why the ranged meta is so prevalent, or rather, what I think people are missing about why it’s so prevalent.
I join my first game in a long time only to be oneshotted by 10 enemies all clipping into each other standing in the exact same spot. Has FS ever actually addressed why they haven’t fixed this? This sort of thing is both immersion breaking and game breaking. I was all hyped up and ready to go for the G-nacht event but after that I think I’ll pass until something else comes around. I’m just sort of disappointed that in a game where being close to enemies is such a normal occurance that the clipping hasn’t been at least mentioned by them, and if it has been I’d love you to link it, I want to take a look.
I mean no wonder the meta has been ranged, who would want to deal with the extremely janky melee combat this game (and its predecessor) has had for so long ? The ranged combat may be more boring but it at least functions for the most part. I literally can’t remember anytihng questionable happening when using ranged other than weird “neckshots” that counted as headshots, but honestly the neck is pretty important when it comes to a weak spot so I say, fine.
Meanwhile in melee land 10 nurgle slaves form a “non collision party” and start flailing around. The best thing you can do in this situation (keep in mind, not the ONLY thing to do, but usually the best) is retreat, which makes it so frustrating. Trying to attack isn’t going to work because you’ll never get enough damage in before you lose unnecessary amounts of health. You just can’t cleave through that many bodies. Same with pushing, you won’t have enough stagger damage to push all of them. Dodging doesn’t work because there are just too many attacks coming in, on higher difficulties it’s not worth the risk. No what you might as well do here is whip out a blunderbuss or ranged weapon and blow all of them away, which is what most people have been doing.
IMO the collision bug is worse than how enemies have constantly spawned in directly next to players (before the ambush sound cue) because at least I can figure that I can avoid damage by paying attention to the spawn points like holes in the ground. The collision bug is a lot like the problem of skating enemies which looks like it’s being worked on, yay. Why? Because both of these required the player to deal with unreasonably stupid / unrealistic situations. Berserkers flying across a span of 4 meters to hit you, or literally any enemy turning around as they spawn in, sometimes hitting you before their animation even goes off.
TLDR: The reason why the ranged meta is so hard to knock off is because of the melee issues this series has been plagued with. Yes FS has been trying to improve the situation through balance, but I think there are problems that go beyond just balance here. Case in point, enemies phasing into each other and acting as if they don’t collide at all, causing “death balls” of enemies that you just have to stay away from until they all un-phase from each other. Or, skating berserkers. Or, spawning enemies that are actually attacking the second they spawn if you’re close enough but you don’t know that because their animation hasn’t even started, because they just spawned in lol. Or, up attacks, I think most people will know what I mean by how dumb they are.