Why is the bolt pistol not needed in the form in which it is

The bolt pistol was created in theory as an alternative to a revolver (or it looks like an alternative to a revolver now).

What are its advantages relative to the revolver?

  • the larger size of the magazine
  • Faster recharge
    What are the disadvantages regarding the revolver?
  • Lower accuracy
  • Less damage

What purpose of this weapon if we have heavy laspistols?
Take a look on mark X

  • Can oneshot specials in body (crit) or head
  • Have almost no recoil
  • Have NORMAL special ability
  • Take less time to reload and have LARGER clip size

Im not gamedev or some sort of - but in this state boltpistol is just a toy. A funny one, but only toy.

Special part (boltpistol cant)

  • cant open bulwarks in any way
  • cant blow up poxbusters
  • with blessing on AOE dont do DMG at all (i mean AOE is no use)
  • when u have 0 bullets and u do LMB it completely STOPS player from moving

Bolt pistol seems bad compared to alternatives. I don’t know what can be done with this thing.
I ve made this thing…

Not impressed. Maybe when the weapon customization mod will permit us to put sight. But… there are so many other options. A zorona is so much more efficient on a zealot than this…


The bolt pistol is extremely bad. Like, laughably bad. As in doesn’t justify the recoil and jittery ADS whatsoever.


You forgot how the Zarona can and will clear whole rows of Gunners with one bullet and how its aim assist makes you able to land quick headshots with minimal effort.

The BPs bullets are the usual one pixel size and wont deal with groups, nor specials inside meatwaves as effectively as the Revolver.

Remember the Zarona before the Blessing changes and the cleave buff? The terrible little toy that no one touched after picking it up once? Thats the Bolt Pistol.


Cleave should be reduced for revolver and plasma gun… but that’s just my opinion


Cleave reduction is the only plasma nerf I’d really accept. I’d prefer cleave and armour damage falloff at range for the revolver, since it’s a revolver, not a sniper rifle.

Actually, do any weapons in Darktide have any falloff at range at all? I think the only thing that affects weapons at long range is overall accuracy or spread of the weapon.

The plasma gun deals max dmg against carapace at 0-10 m.
The dmg incrementally drops off past 10 m and is reduced by around 30% at distances of 25 m and beyond.

Not sure about other weapons.

I agree with both… and I think this is really needed.

Now, when I see a plasma gun, I leave the mission.

IMO bolt pistol (as a bolter in general) need some AOE related stuff. It would be nice if revolver have penetration, but bolter like weapons have BLAST (maybe with some blessings like AOE stagger and blood)

it has

sidenote: this is not the one I actually test

Spoiler - it useless. It deals 0 dmg if u not kill enemy. It cant trigger stack of blood (from puncture). It barely can stagger regular enemies

did not test yet,… I retry today the bolt pistol.
I can’t understand that with such damages this weapon is so bad. I think it is clearly linked to accuracy, or the lack of proper slight.

But actually I try surgical + deadly accurate…

as I said, I am not actually convinced by this weapon.
Maybe the new blessing need something to be done…

On paper its a good weapon, but in real battle u just annoyed with it.

This weapon is just

that’s my experience…

Im not know what annoyed me bigger - no real purpose of a gun, or SWAG (lol) reload. Why in the Emperor name we need to flip mag EVERY time? Why exist this weird interaction with shot after special? Why when we shoot - we do it with one hand, but when run u like - “better use 2 hands to hold this NEW ADMECH TOY”

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How i feel use of this gun:

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Not sure what this weapon is supposed to excel at really but at least it’s hipfire is accurate.

While testing blessings I managed to get a god roll on damage stat, maniac and flak dmg on perks and the bleed blessing.

With those rolls you can one shot all specials in the head, minus dogs, mutants and both flamer variants, the latter two die to the bleed stack afterwards, one shot both variants of the shotgunners and flak gunners. (something revolver can do easier and faster)

It’s carapace damage is also 1-1 with the revolver however unlike the revolver it’s crit damage is bad and it doesn’t have access to the handcannon blessing.

The weapon also has really fast swap speed like the revolver, but it’s rate of fire is slow, but slightly faster when ADS’ing

So this weapons really only purpose is to be overshadowed by the revolver unless they nerf that weapon.

Tested other blessings too, Lethal proximity’s (AoE on close range kill) explosion does a whopping 15-45 damage to other enemys based on range and only on kill (Groaners have 300 hp btw)

Both surgical and point blank work as you’d expect except critting only hits 2 breakpoints, one shot headshot on dreg gunners and one shot headshot on the flamer specials (which puncture is more consistent at than critting)

Run 'n gun, execution and deadly accurate also don’t hit any breakpoints and are too situational.

Making the one and only good blessing puncture which while only applying 4 stacks of bleed at least let you hit the most breakpoints on “one shot” kills

The weapon’s sights and reticle are so sloppy that I assumed I was having an issue with damage registering before I realized that most of the time the issue was that the shot had gone wide (even at point plank) and had hit a wall near my target instead of my target themselves.

The fact that the bolter’s explosion only actually deals damage if it was triggered by hitting an enemy feels finicky at best and makes something as sluggish as the BP to use feel terrible against faster moving targets like hounds.

Speaking of hounds, I never realized that it took the Bolter 2-3 shots to the head to kill dogs (3 shots because 2 headshots might leave a hound with sub 20 HP). It honestly feel ridiculous, and unlike the larger Bolt Gun, the BP doesn’t have access to full auto to turn the problem into a fine mist.

I’m more inclined to suggest Buffs for the BP over Nerfs to the Revolver and Heavy Laz Pistol (if only because I love how the revolver feels and nerfing it wouldn’t change the fact that the BP feels bad). This isn’t a competitive PvP game; it’s not as though the weapons need to be balanced against each other. There should just be strengths and weaknesses to using one over another, which unfortunately isn’t the case atm.

I’d personally like to see the Bolt Guns overall get a boost to damage against Infested enemies. Bolters are supposed to be anti-personnel weapons; they shouldn’t struggle at all with enemies not making use of heavy armor. I also think the explosion of the weapon should deal damage even if you shoot terrain. As of right now, shooting the ground will only net you suppression. Speaking of explosions, the damage you get from them is kind of wimpy.

I know that I’m really hammering in the explosive aspect of the weapon, but that’s because that’s where I think it would make the most sense to emphasize the strength of the weapon. The Bolters will never compare to the Penetration of the Plasma Gun or Revolver, but I don’t need it to either. You’re effectively firing a slug that explodes on contact. The weapon having High Recoil is fine but it should have dead shot accuracy instead of this tendency for the shot to go wide, and the explosive effect should suppress anything armored and shred anything that isn’t. Bonus points if all the Critical Chance and Damage Blessings, and for the BP specifically, Puncture’s Bleed were actually a part of the explosion.

For all intents and Purposes this is a highly accurate, low yield grenade launcher. There’s a reason why it’s so synonymous w/ the setting but Darktide currently fails to show it.
(Edits are just cleaning up mistypes).

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How about no more nerfs for a while? Even if for no other reason than FatShark is clumsy and slow, and could probably better spend the time elsewhere. It’d also have the added benefit of letting us talk about something else on the forums instead of endless samey threads about the topic [that maaay be my primary motivator for making the suggestion. Maybe].

infected damages has always been the weakness of Bolters. I would not like that they remove this weakness. With lethal proximity the bolter can stun the dog easily.
If you don’t use that, then you have to rely on your melee weapon. So push, and slash it.

Revolver needs a slight nerf on hand canon blessing and the cleave that should not be so good, especially at long range.
But, I would not like that they lower damages on it.

I am totally against this approach as it would remove the only weakness of the bolters.
Speaking of bolt pistol, the gun has, in my mind, these problems:

  1. it is difficult to land headshot with it. Lot of them are registered as body shots. This handicapes the blessing deadly accurate. This blessing is great for crushers / ogryns, but cause of the problem explained before, this is not good for other targets that have a tiny head. Any explosion that hit the body will make the shot as registered as a body shot, even if you have clearly put a shell in his head.
  2. the gun needs 2 more shells in the magazine.
  3. I think that it could need a boost for base damages, especially if the point 1 is not solved.

I don’t think anything more is needed on the characteristics of this gun. However, if they could change the running animation. Who has think it would be cool to carry a bolt pistol with two hands!!! it looks so stupid!
Also, the ironsight is really bad. I use a mod to change crosshairs (sidenotes, new crosshair are even worse cause it miss one thing… a clear point that show the center of your aim with any weapon). With the weapon customization mod you can put a sight that show you a crosshair more natural.

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