Why is the bolt pistol not needed in the form in which it is

I spent a tonne of resources making a near perfect Bolt Pistol and yeah, without doubt: Abysmal

Honestly, who is making the balance decisions? Was the weapon not tested? Its pathetic, inaccurate, slow to wield, NO FRAGGIN DUAL-WIELD, and not even fun.

As game developers, this kind of thing shouldn’t happen. Period.

Oh and I’m kinda angry I wasted time and resources and made a fool of myself testing it on auric.

I’ve been trying to like the bolt pistol. I want to like the bolt pistol. But the aiming is just hot garbage. Even lining up a clean shot and ADS’ing I feel like I just randomly miss. It feels way too hard to land headshots, and I swear it isn’t actually doing as much damage as it claims to do. It just feels awful to use because of the inconsistent aiming and janky double recoil. I swear the sights aren’t aligned properly either.

Yeah I’m seriously trying to figure what the point of this weapon is. For special sniping you are better off with lazpistol or zarona and for anything more dps heavy normal bolter just starts to sound more appealing option.

Add in the fact that getting any sort of consistent headshot ratio with gun like this when your aim is all over the place and you can even discard half the blessings from any sort of viability.
Lethal proximity apparently not doing really anything is just the icing on the cake. Might as well remove the blessing from the game and make it work because now its there to just stop you from rolling blessings you care about.

This weapon badly needs to go back to the drawing board. Zarona and lazpistol need to be heavily gutted in the future if this thing as it stands wants to see some real use other than “its cool i like it”.

One real change and boltpistol can be saved - bloodstacks from bolt detonation. Without blessings - 1 per shot, with punkture 5 (4+1), with proximity charge no need to kill for detonation and stacks.

So we get weapon that can AOE, and be reliable option as “oh sh-t” button.

As much as i like the idea I also think that relying on blessings too heavily to make a weapon viable is a bad thing.

Give me at least one weapon that not drasticly increases their power with blessings

That was not my point. I just hate blessing design that forces you to pick X to make weapon viable. See power cycler for a example.

I like blessings system, but blessings needs rework in terms of diversity. I love the idea that i can change of way i use weapons in more than one way with change of blessing. Now in current state it like: without blessing it weapon is just middle.

Even if you use the crosshair mod, you don’t really land headshot. At most I have been at 17%. Normal times I am at 9-10% (scoreboard values). To get 17%, I have to pay really attention to aim just the top of the head, or it won’t be registered as headshot.
There’s a problem on this with this gun.

Yeah which is why i don’t really get why this gun gets access to deadly accurate and not something like pinning fire or shattering impact. Its not a precision weapon, at least not at its current state.

First Bolt turns chaff into minced meat.
Second Bolt hits Shotgunner. No damage. Stagger.
Third Bolt hits Shotgunner. No damage. Stagger.
Fourth hits/kills chaff.
Fifth finally takes some HP. Stagger.

Five Bolts for half a Shotgunner, which is semi covered by meat is gut wrenchingly bad. Those are the targets you usually want to shoot. Specials, or Gunners embedded in waves, making it hard to go there and cut them down.

I don’t know if I can think of a gun that does worse right now. Talking about how OP the Zarona, or even the Heavy Laz compared to this thing doesn’t help. Even if FS would remove those two from the game the BP would still be terrible.


I also feel like I need to unleash my inner dweeb on this as well because, you know, this is a 40k game right?

The Bolt Pistol is supposed to be firing the same bolts as the regular bolter, Fatshark! The only bloody difference is mag size and the bonkers kick when you shoot it.

I can accept reduced accuracy at range, but it shouldn’t be swaying when I’m aiming down sights! Jeez! My character is clearly holding it two handed anyway, come onnnnn!

Like, can’t we find that happy balance between consistency, fun and also, power?

Aaaand I’m done.


I wish it had the same cleave as the regular bolter

It works quite with the weapon specialist, but it seems to be quite perk and blessing dependant. I managed to get a decent base score bolt pistol with flak/manic, Puncture and locked Point Blank on my vet. I like the damage output and the rhythm you can get into with this weapon, the mobility helps quite a bit also. I don’t shoot much down the sights. What I don’t like is its handling, especially the aim wobble you get when trying to snap shot. Overall seems to require a small pause before firing and general patience between shots.

Its fairly obvious bad handling is how Fatshark chooses to balance bolt weapons. However, for CQC, the weapon not aiming where you aim it at can be quite costly. Overall fairly satisfying anti-special, anti-elite weapon, when it works.

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