Why Don't Ogryn Have Passives To Reduce Heavy Attack Windup?

They have so many passives that rely on heavy attacks, but the windup to do one is prohibitively slow.
You’d be better off just doing multiple fast swings due to how many mobs swarm in higher difficulties. Every 3 seconds spent winding up for a Heavy Attack is 3 seconds 40 trash mobs are shaking your Ogryn-sized kidneys.

Also, for being the quintessential melee class (Like the Veteran is the ranged class); They have an absolute lack of melee weapons. Only 6.
The Psyker has more melee options than the Ogryn!

Am I just missing something with Ogryn play? Their melee focus is ‘Too slow to be useful’, their ranged is…Eh. They have a Heavy Stubber that tears through trash mobs, but the damage falls off against anything higher (And they can just melee trash mobs).
Ogryn just feel like the Devs wanted a Bash-Class but forgot to make Heavy Attacks at all possible.


I don’t find heavies to be too slow to be useful at all. Are you trying to full charge each one?


I am. Do they not have to be?

Nope, you just have to hold it for a little bit. Holding them does nothing for them other than helping you time them sometimes (outside of specific blessings like thrust or the crunch! talent)


Thank you for the info!

Though I still wish Ogryn had a few more melee weapons. It looks weird that he only has 6


that’s the ogryn issue, he has only unique weapons so his kit is very small. on launch it was even more brutal, only the rippers and knives had their variants and picks were mia. but at least he has more exclusive range slot weapons than the zealot (all of ‘flamethrower’).

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You only need to hold it all the way for the Crunch talent node, and honestly it doesn’t reach any significant breakpoints that thrust can’t reach.

Oh, so Crunch only works fully charged. Which does feel too slow to be useful. So removing that talent point. :grin:


crunch really needs a rework. The only time I saw it in builds was when that BLO bug was a thing, which means the only contribution it ever made was AIDS.

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If you want to do a heavy attack with any class/weapon, you only need to hold the button down until you see the start of an animation that is not the regular light attack.
Usually, heavy attack animations start with some wind up.
Basically as soon as you see that wind up animation begin, you can release the button.

So heavy attacks are slower than light attacks, but not by a lot.

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Yes Ogryn Heavy attacks need a speed buff.

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Crunch? Do you mean that weird blank node bugged out on the talent tree? Weird choice for Fatshark to give us a node that does nothing but there’s always challenge runs! /j, I’d hope it’s obvious

At the topic at large: I’ve said it before but the larger issue I have with ogryn melee design is how forced heavy attacks are in the first place. Ogryn’s talent tree is already severely lacking in options in the first place, and then on top of that each tree is basically divvied up into “Heavy attack / tankiness / ranged” with very, very little overlap or nuance. On other classes I dip and dive between each side of the tree for some builds, on ogryn the closest you basically dive between what grenade you want to which ability to which keystone while almost always taking the same nodes along each path. And even then those builds are pretty much rote.

I’d much rather see the trees split into melee plus aggression (with choices splitting between light and heavy attacks, stagger, etc) and melee plus tankiness (with choices more focused on stagger, blocking, and survivability, with some smaller melee increases mixed in, or hybrid options like elite damage). Or some variation thereof. Just stop being so heavy handed with the heavy attacks. It was the one thing I wish they had dropped with the skill tree reworks, instead they made ogryn lean into it even more heavily.

Just look at how sad the ogryn choice variety is compared to veteran:

Do I really need to say more? He hurled, heavily heaving.

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Because fatshark clearly dislikes the Ogryn class


Just because there is more icons doesn’t mean that veterans has more options that matter.

Veterans now are more a grenade dispenser than a sharpshooter, yeah and i am being a bit silly.
But really who does not take demolition stockpile and/or field improvisation. And i guess Voice of Command is also considered a “no brainer”.

And the Keystones for veteran is still very unrewarding in my personal opinion, the Ogryn keystones are a lot more fun and rewarding (but that is subjective).

Sure i can do some quirky builds with the veteran but personally i think Ogryn has more choices that actually matters in their talent tree.

That’s how i feel about it at least.

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Interesting feelings, can you provide anything more concrete than feeling, because it sounds like you’ve never played Ogryn or you’ve never played any of the harder difficulties

nah that has to qualify as bait, sorry. You get ‘heavy attack tax wind up’ for a boring 25% melee power ogg should just have because he’s large but no the designers that be decided this was how they were going to power-limit his builds. on the middle you have a damage resistance that gets hosed off in layers by bullets to where it does nothing most of the game without near perfect play anyway (so why do you need damage reduction). and the most lovely play-impacting choice of all, randomly not consuming a bullet 8-11% of the time (or whatever the numbers are). like I get there’s a large contingent of people not happy with the veteran tree but lets also have some perspective on the rest of the game too. ogryn’s worst sin is the boring ham-string designs, and if they want to improve his player representation overall they have to start there.


Funfact: The ranged ogryn keystone exists on the vet tree, limited to las guns, as a small passive, and it’s better on him because the % chance to proc is tied to crit of which Veteran can have 40%+ quite effortlessly. You may argue “but it’s only lasguns so it’s more limited” and well, the lucky bullet keystone is really only good on twin stubbers and rippers anyway and there’s less of those than there are lasguns so there you go.


Technically it’s better by default off the bat because Veteran has an innate 10% crit chance. Getting just 2% more crit from any source will make it equal to the taxed version of gunlugger’s keystone. (And you’re going to get that crit somewhere)

And then there’s also what you mentioned, the ability to get even more crazy levels of crit for it.


they took that away, and then gave psyker +2.5% base instead. veteran is the class with no passives now if you think about it, unless that stupid cover aim thing counts (it doesn’t).


Did they? The more you know. :person_shrugging:

Good thing there’s so many ways to see this sort of thing Fatshark.


EDIT: Looking at it on Gameslantern (Assuming it’s up to date, since finding anything on the game is a nightmare at this point) they even nerfed ogryn’s crit chance to 2.5% from 5%? Lol. Just… lol.