Ogryn - replace Crunch!

Crunch! is one of the worst passive talents in the game. For something that takes a good long while to do, holding heavy attack until it lets go by itself, the bonus is meager and something you can get just by using Thrust. The bleed damage you get from Batter more than compensates for this damage bonus.

I think it ought to be changed - from reading a post made by @dragomusic, I think it’s a neat idea that fits well with the character. In Vermintide 2, Slayer Bardin has a talent that lets him knock enemies out of the way with effective dodges - in the context of his kit, it’s not very effective, because it’s competing with two powerful damage resistance talents - but I could absolutely see it fitting in a Melee Ogryn playstyle. He’s big and can throw his weight around, knocking all the puny heretics away, and gameplay-wise, it allows for more mobility while in the thick of it.


I Agree.
Cruch is a bad talent, but i would prefer reworking it in a budget thrust, 10% per stack with max stacks 40% at fully charged. Your suggestion is also good.


The only thing I will say to this is that on certain builds it pushes the folding shovels into 1 shots on Crushers, with Thrust. So while that very niche build set up will suffer, overall I would agree with the change.

As a side note, I did not come up with that idea. It’s been floating around on the Forums for a long time. Unfortunately I do not remember who first suggested it, only that it would be nice on Ogryn.

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I do find it fun at times, but also agree holding heavy and dodging around is lame. My friends even asked me why I am not attacking! :rofl: Im just being in the way at that point to them.

I’d rather see high risk, high reward talent. A fully charged attack should somehow be more noticeable rewarded on weapons other than the folding shovels

In addition to extra damage and stagger, it might be worth making fully charged attacks ignore hit mass bonus from armour. In this case, the haymaker club will be able to cleave carapace armour and kill several maulers at once in one attack

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