Why do we not have an Endless Horde modifier for Auric Maelstrom?

The current toughest modifier is Scab Only + Melee in Maelstrom. However, I think a true level 6 difficulty could be achieved simply by adding an Endless Horde modifier, where infested, unamoured and scab/dreg trash keep coming out of nearby doors and vents.

Unleash the Hounds (or whatever its called) and Lights Out are a pain to play tbh. Whilst Ventilation Purge is a little too easy.


this would be nice, could even dust off the old purgatus and flamer! game does need a few new modifiers added.

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This would be great.
No time to take a breather.
Just an entire mission full of madness and heretics.
Constant fighting.

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Learning to find the quiet moments between specials while fighting a permanent tide was very fun in VT2.

Would be nice to see it return.

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would sure be nice to finish kill ā€œ1000 ā€˜xā€™ with ranged/meleeā€ in a single mission lol

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The weird thing is, this modifier effectively exists already ā€“ everyoneā€™s done those missions where thereā€™s an insane number of dudes coming at you and you rack up 3000+ kills by the end ā€“ but it crops up at random instead of being a normal mission parameter. Imo it would be much better to have it as a normal modifier


I would absolutely hate this for normal maps. If there was a specific arena map where you have to deal with waves, kinda like the current special event or fow, then sure.

Arguably, wouldnā€™t it make the mission easier? Most people use hordes for toughness generation. Thats just my uninformed take though, I donā€™t play aurics much so I might be wrong.

Nah hordes are like little roadblocks, and the more there are the more the rest of the game has room to mess you up after you play enough. Like when youā€™re dodging into a net because some half rotted corpse was standing in the zone you dodged into so you didnā€™t even budge from the spot.

So yeah all of those constant specialist waves would be a lot more threatening if there were just non stop hordes, along with those random patrols you run into.


Remember the standing hordes? Me and friends noticed they appear again after like 1244191240 months without them. I feel like their just good for world building too. Feels more alive good thing they silently brought them back.

There was a bug where a never ending horde would spawn -I think last spring or so. I only ever had it once on a t4 but it was pretty fun

It still pops up sometimes! Had a Hab Dreyko recently where this happened and we ended up with over 3600 killsā€¦ which tbh was a blast and they should make this an actual modifier

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