A horde of pox walkers approaches just waiting to get melee’d by my Turtolsky Mk IX.
But quite often there is at least one team member that full autos their ranged weapon on that horde, wasting precious ammo which later might be missing for the real challenges like groups of ranged specials.
Do these players detest melee combat that much?
Or are they roleplaying? (some of those Ogryn players seem to have the same urge to pull the trigger like their counterparts in the lore.)
Anyway, sometimes I wish that ammo was individual loot instead of group loot. So if someone decides to pump all their ammo in trash mobs they are the ones who will run out of ammo eventually.
There are lots of good reasons to shoot into hordes of trashmobs.
Speed things along
Avoid risks, like getting ambushed by specials or patrols while fighting the trash
Ammo isn’t that scarce and there are many weapons that can dump hordes and be fine
Bringing a melee weapon that is bad at hordes so its your best tool
Its fun
Despite the releative ease with which poxwalkers and groaners can be eliminated in a melee by a competent player, sometimes you still take chip damage or serious damage just as a consequence of bad luck or bad latency. It happens even to players who are very good. Sometimes just shooting them is the smart play.
i do it if i see team has 2 ammo crates and i am loaded with ammo. its just fun
but i agree its annoying if you see team lacks ammo and someone is shooting into targets that can be meled or just left alone to other team mates to handle
So with hordes … whatever. What drives my OCD are the people who refuse to melee the 3 whatevers in front of them and insist on wasting ammo. That’s where the waste really comes in - when it’s only a few mobs, just switch and kill, don’t bleed more ammo.
For me, shooting into a nice choke keeps a lid on the horde. It can also prevent the team from being surrounded, allowing for space to handle the range/specials.
What frustrates you about people holding the trigger like arnold? @Xen
Im the type of Ogryn who walks into a room with a rippergun and paints everything to pull the room.
There is a time to shoot Poxbursters, and a time to push them.
Too many people dive in for the pushes during when the situation calls for ranging it and sometimes (though less so) vice versa. Shooting it is usually the safer approach, especially when ammo isn’t an issue and there are other things around.
If you go out of your way to push when the team is already shooting it safely then the egg on your face is on your fault; I see too many zealots doing this then whine after the fact.
Because it’s fun to mulch a horde with bullets? What more is there too it?
Also DT is not like VT2 where ammo is very limited, you can mag dump into a horde with most weapons in DT and not have it feel like it’s wasted. Most of the loot crates have ammo in them and the game is weighted to spawn more ammo if players are running low. So you only really tend to run out of ammo if you use nothing but your gun the whole match.
When i shoot my shredder autopistol on my vet into a tightly clumped horde the entire group dies in less then a clip. Faster then even the heavy sword and i have a really good heavy sword on my zealot. That gun goes through so many enemies its insane.
Even being wasteful its hard to use up the ammo on the map. Every run has 3X of both crate team items, which is a 100% refill that can be used 4 times. And a ludicrous amount of ammo boxes and bags. The majority of the time a vet is in the group making pocket bullets for everyone. I literally just gun things down with a stubber because if I find an ammo crate at any point there is probably not going to be enough game time to use up all my ammo. Especially if I have staff psykers in the group, then you can just main it with no issues or resource hogging. I tap like 3 pick ups a game.
For the record its a damned good thing we can mag dump hordes. The idea that ammo needs to be scarce is boring as hell. Ammo is a factor that adds pressure but it shouldn’t be scarce. I wouldn’t even complain if ammo was infinite. Its fun to go brrrrrrrrrr.