One of the more frustrating things in the game is players who decide topping up their own ammo reserve is more important than making sure their teammates aren’t going to run out. I imagine it’s unconscious in most cases - the teammate ammo indicator isn’t terribly conspicuous, and it’s a gamer reflex to just autopilot spam E at containers.
Nevertheless, especially on Heresy and Damnation, it leads to situations where players are having to break coherency with their team to search for ammo - or have to take risks to grab it mid-combat, cause otherwise it’s gonna get hoovered up by that bastard sharpshooter - you know the type. Multiple people running to the same crates to try and snatch it first, while the one who acutally needs it is busy fighting the enemies. Stuff like that.
In missions where this is happening, the failure rate’s much higher in my experience. Depending on the character and equipment level, the players’ skill and experience, it can sabotage a run on any difficulty. Fortunately, it’s been the exception rather than the rule, but it gets the contents of my bladder boiling every time.
If you’re one of those people who just hoovers up ammo without thinking, my advice to you is to start paying attention to your teammates’ ammo status. If you’re the kind to be aware and do it anyway - I’d be really curious to know your thoughts. I imagine you’re failing at higher difficulties more often than not - increasing the chances at the very least, and this will be part of why.
No one class or player’s ranged weapon is important to the exclusion of others. A teammate unable to shoot cause of your own greed or negligence, is a teammate with less options when it comes to pulling your arse out of a bad situation. I’m making a point of it to never revive someone who’s greedy with ammo, unless I’m certain it’s 100% safe. Othewise, #packwatch
Distribute ammo equally - I’ve never played a mission where there isn’t enough across the map for everyone to have at least a full mag at all times, and that’s absolute worst-case scenario. If you all run out of ammo completely at around the same time, a lot of things had to have gone wrong first.
And conserve ammo crates. There’s always another ammo tin or bag around the next corner, and probably a bunch more you’ve wandered past throughout a mission. That’s if it don’t get snatched by the person who needs it least. Anyway, don’t waste them to resupply just one player, unless the other three are all psykers.
When people are checking and tagging ammo for teammates they know are lower than they are, getting wiped is a rarity - cause you know you’re looking out for one another, and you’re incentivised to play better than you might otherwise.
It’s a people problem at the end of the day, but mechanical changes can make a massive difference.
- Sharing ammo pickups in coherency
The person who picks it up gets the same amount as currently, and 10-25% of its value goes to each teammate. Greater incentive to stay in coherency, and if multiple players are so desparate for ammo that they’re rushing to the same crate, they at least all get something out of it. Ammo pickup spawn rates might have to be reduced a tad.
- When a teammate has significantly less ammo, change the action required to pick it up
Instead of pressing E, it’s turned into Hold E.
This means players would have to make a conscious, deliberate decision as to whether they’re gonna pick it up. There’s those instances where you pick up ammo without thinking, then check to see your teammates needed it more - or you’re not paying attention whatsoever, and would’ve preferred to have left it for someone else.
This’d be another way for the game to communicate to the players that their teammates need ammo. It’d give them another opportunity to check the hud and reconsider. And for those that are being greedy bastards and don’t care - it’d also stop them spamming E as they’re opening the crate - but not the player who needs it most, so if they’re forced to compete, they at least have a leg up. Some will try get around that by spamming hold E as the crate’s opening - so let them, and they can deal with the consequences.
Deployed ammo crates with more than 1 charge remaining would be the exception.
- If the player still takes the ammo when a teammate’s in greater need, they receive a bit of corruption damage
Maybe proportional to the difference between their ammo reserve, and that of whoever needs it most. Not sure which of the dark gods gets off on greed, but I’m sure at least one of them enjoys it.
This doesn’t account for players who are the lowest on ammo, but decide a teammate should have it anyway. Maybe if the ammo’s been tagged and not picked up before the tag automatically expires - then it’s free for the taking. Perhaps it could be reserved for higher difficulties.
- If out of coherency with all teammates, the amount of ammo picked up could be reduced by some percentage.
Not sure how I feel about that one myself, just throwing it in.
Oh, and all the same applies to grenades as well