Aren’t we sick and tired of playing Warhammer: VetTide? I know I am. I want every clip and bag of ammo to be shared. It’s a simple idea, where we all get a share of the ammo picked up. If any player’s ammo capacity is full, then the remaining ammo gets shared with anyone who isn’t. That’s it—the easiest idea to implement that would stop tumorous vet players from making the game boring as hell. If I want to play my gunpysker (or whatever), I shouldn’t have to worry about fighting my own teammate over Ammo. If it just gets shared between everyone, it would help keep everyone from wasting ammo until it is actually needed. And if the vet wants to blow their entire recon lasgun clip or bolter mag, then so be it, but it should keep the rest of us from being able to use the guns we have equipped.
Players have just to learn to open chests and pick ammos.
How many times I see players not even trying to pick ammo bag cause it would require them to return 10 meters backward? too many times.
But, PG / Bolter players are annoying as hell if they are not skilled and spam shots everywhere… and can steal all ammos.
My problem is more that I would like something to not enter games where someone has such OP weapon (and I would include psyker staff). Just to be able to play with balanced weapons and not having a walking simulator cause of an OP weapon and having someone that try to steal all ammos.
But I repeat it, if you explore, they are tons of ammos.
See if the ammo was shared, strong ranged weapons would be less of a problem since there could be an actual restriction on how much the player that brings it could use that weapon. Now they just benefit from it at the cost of the others.
There is plenty of ammo for an entire team in each level, and sharing ammo automatically doesn’t really make much sense imo. Scrounging for supplies is a part of the game, the risk and reward, and I’d hate for it to be watered down.
I also feel a sense of camaraderie when teammates ping ammo for me, I do the same for others, and I love using/hearing the cheer or thanks emotes afterwards. I wouldn’t want to lose that either, even if crappy selfish teammates do exist.
I mean since the update half the people I play with are too busy trying to speed through levels to ever open crates for any reason. Im pretty sure I pick up like half the resources in my runs just by myself cuz I open crates everywhere all the time. Too many people dont care about stims or ammo or med crates and they also refuse to turn around if you ping something useful. I dont really get why people are so keen on finishing missions as fast as possible and never looking for anything cuz even money is irrelevant to me nowadays. Just because we dont need resources doesnt mean we cant utilize stims and ammo/med crates but you cant tell my teammates that cuz they could care less.
Since the update everyone is just like cool I can just blast past everything now since I have all the gear I want. I cant tell you how many times i open a crate everyone ran past and it has a med stim i need and a med pack for the team. People in this game wouldnt be running out of ammo if they would stop for 7 seconds and open a yellow crate. Also there are ammo efficient weapons in this game like the braced autogun or the columnus or the plasma gun that rarely ever need ammo outside of survivalist. Ammo is not really an issue in this game and if it is you arent opening enough crates to find it. There is more than enough ammo on a map for everyone to use but your team wont ever find it if they B line every room hell bent on finishing a run so they can swiftly get another 40K they wont spend anyway.
Awwww but I love giving those ammo stealing idiots a taste of their own medicine when I can’t shoot the the pox hound or other elites that are about to kill them because I don’t have ammo
I wouldn’t want to fill my teammates ammo reserves if they are just gonna sprint through the map anyway. If they need ammo, they need to spend time looking for it like everyone else.
Looting in DT is one of those things that has always struck me as slightly … odd.
In an olde worlde game, I think the lore there allows for discovering things, hidden in chests in old dilapidated buildings, or in a hard to reach room you need to parkour to find.
DT is set in a perpetual battleground. It’d make more sense to be looting off corpses than opening chests. Would you find plasteel and diamantium out on the streets; or inside major bases in a secure room?
Kinda think it’s incongruous, but it hasn’t really ever bothered me.
Sharing ammo. A “No” from me. It’s rare nowadays that one person vacuums all the ammo; there’s a lot of it for the most part, and generally people play sensibly. Conversely, I see plenty of people run past every pickup so intent are they in the next pew pew section. I’m happy to see them run out if they aren’t bothered to help scavenge.
The amount of times I ping ammo, or ammo crates and everyone just runs past it is more often than otherwise, and then they always start with the “I NEED AMMO!” pings and then start crying about sharing in the chat.
… Or with Ammo crates the Psyker never wants to pick them up because “i dOnT uSe aMmO” when the rest of the team already has their pockets full - no team play.
Hell. No. There is always more than enough ammo when the team knows how to play the game.
When you have gun Psykers and lugger Ogryns that think they are Veterans, dumping hundreds of rounds into crowds of trash mobs instead of using their horde clearing talents or melee, the ammo runs dry very quickly and the whole map is people fighting over ammo.
Of course there are Vets and Zealots who mag dump too, but they are less likely to be using it as a crutch for horde clear and more likely to be focusing specials etc.
Compounding this is that the ones who aren’t bothering to do anything except shoot stuff then run off to find more ammo while the actual team players are busy keeping everyone alive.
It’s a skill issue, people who lack the skill to recognize they are part of a team.
The only change that Ammo needs is that people should not be able to pick up more than they need - people who fire one round just to pick up the big bag of ammo denying it to others needs to be stopped.
Gun psyker is at least really good in melee. Try playing Exa stance vet with ammo grabbers on the team it’s downright miserable. Sometimes it doesn’t have to be ammo grabber just a guy who can’t stop shooting everything like a stubber ogryn.
Sharing ammo packs is too far for me, but man this whole ammo eco needs a rework.
Or try making someone to drop the crate anywhere before the end event. I get more anxiety when someone does grab the ammo crate when playing a ranged spec because there is a 50/50 chance he will not drop it even when asked.
That kind of the problem with current ammo balance. You play anything hybrid you get by with whatever you come across, you play a ranged spec that isn’t Vet with a las weapon you have to search around everywhere and pray the randomness doesn’t f-you over.
This just happened to me was sub 2 bolter clips for 2 big rooms asking for ammo only for them to drop it in the end event when everyone had half ammo. Like when in the end event do you need FULL ammo? You mostly use melee getting through them and they last only a couple minutes.
What does it say about the darktide community if players are unable to cooperate in a team by sharing simple resources? If the state would be truly that bad, then we wouldnt deserve shared ammo. Players gotta learn team play if they haven’t so far.
Generally, besides the occasional bad apple, I don’t think it’s much of an issue though.
I’d want this, only to remove my own guilt from my conscience.
The amount of time’s I’ve ran around, just looking for resources, not thinking much of it, completely forgetting I shot a couple bullets at a special unit here and there, only to instant pick up an ammo satchel from a crate, stare at what I have done, then turn to stare at the orange ammo team mate who just saw my basically full ammo ass pick up the biggest share of it for miles
I’d like to see some overflow, even if it’s just in coherency. (My Zealot would like it to, the amount of times I’ve done the same thing but it’s due to my gun being full, but I threw 2 knives, and oop there goes the red ammo case…haha…ha…for the emperor?)
Heck, it would be cool in coherency too, guy’s busy dealing with heretics but because they are you have a free moment, pop open a near by chest and fund their crusade by picking up ammo for them, be neat. Could see an aura doing that…and you’d still get the darktide experience of pinging ammo for team mates as it wouldn’t be ‘map wide’, just within a close sphere, so it would still encourage being a team player to a degree but also make it a lot less painful to have ‘zealot grabby hands’ who just shot hits revolver twice so he needed that ammo he got to first, not the gun lugger ogryn nooope.
I could be misunderstanding what you said, but removing Psyker’s staff would reduce them to the status of just another Veteran, as staff is what distinguishes Psyker, and peril is Psyker’s ammo.
Personally, I believe Fatshark failed to implement and bring the Psyker class to life properly in Darktide, and Owlcat did a far better job with the Psyker class in Rogue Trader, but that’s another topic.
Not a fan of OP’s idea but I do like your take here. Sharing in coherency specifically for ammo picked up going over your max would be reasonable QoL.
I’ll admit I’ve also had times where me and another team mate both try to open a box at the same time and I end up instead grabbing a large ammo while nearly full and sit there stunned for a moment. No that’s not a real issue that needs addressing but implementing this mechanic in the outlined way would be nice flavour and avoid the occasional accident.
You could also just ghost any ammo hogs on your team to make their wastage way less annoying so that’s a plus.
I like to imagine the rejects chucking surplus ammo to each other as they top up. Feels natural.
I think sharing ammo is a great idea. You remove a source of potential team discontent in an otherwise coop PvE game when competing over resources, and you have fewer issues with total idiots just failing to pick up stuff and ending up being drains on their team when they run out of resources. It’d also help out some some of the playability of some builds/weapons that can be fun but are insanely variable in utility depending on how much ammo the rest of the team uses.
For my own part, almost all the arguments I see in this thread so far against the idea are basically either “I don’t want someone else to get something I opened a box for” and “there’s plenty of ammo so people just need to look”, which I don’t feel are particularly great arguments on their own.
Regarding the former, it’s a coop game and sharing things is typically how that goes (and all the resource pickups like Plasteel are shared and nobody has an issue with that) so getting butthurt about sharing pickups from that perspective feels odd. Likewise, if you’re happy to let your teammates run out or whatnot because they’re seemingly blind, while that’s an understandable feeling, that’s really not a productive attitude or game design incentive, and that outcome may happen to the other player at a critical juncture that hurts the team (and thus, you).
As to the latter, I’d argue that the issues resolved by not incentivizing players to run off on their own all the time or otherwise horribly misapproporiating pickups (hoarding ammo, accidentally picking up things they didn’t need, etc) more than outweighs the other issues.
That said, as someone noted, finding ammo on corpses would make way more sense than boxes. I get boxes for loot, but for ammo it feels weird.
I’d love something even like this. Wouldn’t feel as bad for accidental pickups, and could make picking up ammo that others missed (or can’t reach due to combat) have some additional value.