i feel like resource management is one of the learning curves. the ping system is put in place for a reason
checking ur team’s ammo/grenade status before picking up resource is a skill everyone will learn sooner or later
i feel like resource management is one of the learning curves. the ping system is put in place for a reason
checking ur team’s ammo/grenade status before picking up resource is a skill everyone will learn sooner or later
The thing that tends to lead to ammo shortages the most is when everyone tries to go all out on every threat, when there are other team members who can handle it with less resources expended. You don’t need a flamer, a heavy stubber and a recon lasgun to clear a horde.
issue we have, that it dont show max ammo of your weapon, espically weapon that their ammo get affected by stats.
now it shows 70/430 , 70 in magazine / 430 in reserve.
it should be 70 alone
and in bottom 430/610 reserve/max
Veteran suggestions
I think a few tweaks to Veteran class can solve a lot of this without needing corruption stacks.
The coherency Ammo restore bonus Vet gives the team Elite kills should just ALSO applies to ‘all shooters’ which is mechanic language similar to counterfire.
Vet does not have a third Iconic: I propose adding one that lets you scavenger ammo from shooters corpses. Or that fodder ‘shooters’ you kill have a 10% chance to drop an ammo tin on death.
The Passive of +40% extra ammo always shot me as a weeeeird number. just 50% or better yet double plz. Lemme Dakka without waiting for a DLC Ork veteran (idk if that’s lore possible).
These suggestions, combined with sharing ammo pickups in coherency would really help the greediest ammo class… without Needing to have a corruption penalty.
Global Ammo Gameplay Suggestions
When you Kill ‘Gunner’ and ‘Reaper’ Elites, they should have 100% chance to field drop at least some ammo regardless of who kills them. 75% Tin, 25% Bag. If you kill them before they fire- these chances flip.
‘Bombers’ should 100% to drop grenades if you kill them before they can prime one. 50% otherwise.
I just had a round last night where an absolute troll decided to sprint ahead, ignore everyone, and shoot his gun at walls when he found ammo so he could take it.
I went through the entire map without ammo after I ran out because of that tool.
All picked up ammo should be shared with the group, to stop trolls from ruining runs.
Nice ideas!
I think ammo pickups shared in Coherency would already go a long way, still other tweaks (like show numbers instead of colours) would also help nicely.
Ammo pickups should just be shared, that’s it. It’ easy solution. Worked great in Borderlands co-op where every resource pick up is shared among players (not split, just everyone gets the same amount) which fortifies co-op experience, lack of griefing and eliminates the unending rushing ahead to get ammo before others will find it.
the ban option is used for this kind of guys
Among your list of suggestions, I find only the second one the best suited.
This would be a brilliant yet a subtitle change which can be applied not just to ammo but also to grenades, which will fix many of the quick accidental pickups when spamming ‘E’ on opening boxes.
Secondly the game already has a brilliant ‘vocal’ announcement when you actively mark/tag ammo, it might even already do this passively when near by ammo, calling out their is ammo to who ever has the highest need for it. The problem however is, often this vocal announcement finishes well after it got picked up, making it an obsolete announcement.
Delaying that pickup with the press and hold ‘E’ mechanic when you are ‘not’ in need of it, will make these ammo notification voice lines a lot more meaningful and potentially more likely the ammo is still their.
It’s a good idea on paper but not in practice.
Remember majority of players of any game rarely engage on forums and even less look at patch notes I imagine.
Most just plays. So now suddenly for seemingly random reasons your e button starts to change behaviour. To intuitively connect that with another player needs ammo isn’t exactly that obvious.
I think there will be a great deal of bug reports talking about their pickup button randomly changes behavior or stops working.
Bump. Just had a team wipe near the end of a mission to a chaos spawn because one player was hoovering up every single ammo drop, wasting much of it, and left the other two vets with none for the fight. Maybe none of the suggestions I’d made about it would have made a difference, but maybe they would have.
@Kumori - Context clues, like the character barks when they’re robbed of ammo - and any of the other suggested mechanics, would help players intuitively make that connection.
Doing more to communicate players’ relative ammo status - like putting numbers to their remaining ammo vs capacity (both on teammate HUD and own ammo indicator), and/or the “traffic lights” system I previously suggested, would go even further.
Beyond that, it’d only be the people who pay zero attention or otherwise don’t care about their teammates’ ammo status who’d end up confused for long. If they still can’t connect the dots, bugger em - let them report it as a bug and have someone explain to them why the system exists and why they keep interacting with it.
As for any concerns about it making it harder to pick up ammo in the heat of the moment - it doesn’t have to be a long hold, something like 700ms - but if the system’s kicking in, it means you didn’t need it as much as someone else anyway. Would be enough of a window to stop E-taps, and give players who do care about sharing ammo the opportunity not to pick it up, and it’d be a negligible delay for when people decide someone needs the ammo more in spite of being significantly lower themselves.
Please don’t. Resource management is part of the game. Mechanically removing teamplay elements will not result in a better experience.
I understand and agree that resource management is an important element of team-play. Nothing I’ve suggested takes choice away from any given player, it’s all just to nudge them towards the better ones, and otherwise help make up for the deficiency in Darktide’s ability to convey important information in some small way. A shitter hoovering up all the ammo is still going to be able to, it’s just going to be a little less convenient and a conscious, deliberate choice - whilst also giving the other players more of a chance to get what they need.
The issue of ammo hoarding mostly went away between the creation of this thread and the latest patch because people either moved on to other games or realised that there was plenty of ammo to go around.
Since the patch, ammo pickups now follow the “you snooze, you lose” rule because there isn’t enough of it to go around anymore and people still want to shoot trash enemies and mow down hordes with full auto like we could pre-patch, and like the advertising said we’d be able to…
Just make ammo payback from killing elites 3% instead of 1%.
No need to shake whole system when you have one little handle to tune it up.
Personally I am very frustrated that I can’t shoot in FPS game and Psykers barrier is not calming me down.
You either pushing me to play Psyker or be ammo hangry 24/7 which makes ppl nervous and leads community to toxicity.
You do not want such environment for the long run.
Give us ways to honestly earn our ammo at least.
Maybe even drop it from monstrosities?
I can surely get behind “sharing ammo pickups when in coherency”. While leaving character remarks when someone grabs ammo to often when not in coherency