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What other warhammer games are you guys rockin that scratch your itch?

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I picked up Inquisitor: Martyr complete edition on sale. At least there is a coherent story involved and plenty of content. Everything else 40k is mobile trash or digital tabletop hex stuff. I also re-downloaded Dawn of War 2, I liked the Squad based RTS aspect but it shows its age. I try to get a match every few days on Darktide whilst slowly leveling a Veteran stockpiling crafting mats and coins.


Same. Thought I was the only one getting Inquisitor: Martyr and I’m having a blast, an arpg in 40k setting? What’s not to like :grin: Which class do you fancy in Martyr?

Was thinking of getting Chaos gate or Mechanicus but I suck at turn based games (figured that out on Xcom) :drooling_face:. But I’ll never forget DoW1.
Definitely getting Space Marine 2 as well when it comes out.


I play a DoW 1 Campaign with the Ultimate Apokalypse mod. Really rules!


WH40K: Mechanicus.
It’s good. Kind of like “Darkest Dungeon meets XCOM”.


Is it noob friendly? As in you can afford mistakes without filling the awakening meter fast?

I recently found out there’s a way to set the player to ai in dawn of war 1 so I’ve just been watching different factions try and defend the galaxy against the tyranids.


If only DoW 1 got a remake, one can hope.

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The original Space Marine is still fun.


The disappointment people are expressing with darktide is how I felt about DoW 3


Pretty much, I felt the same with DoW 3.
DoW 1 was epic, still is, DoW 2 kinda strayed away from 1, and nobody liked 3, except for few people. Luckily, in the past few years we’ve got some solid wh40k games. Only problem is, GW is handing out license to almost everyone.
Only few companies managed to nail every single detail right. Like the devs of Mechanicus, they knew nothing of the lore, got the license, picked up on lore and nailed the game.
I wonder what the next 10 years will bring us.

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Find that the older games still hold up for the enjoyment factor, although that might be the nostalgia talking.

  • DoW Soulstorm (with mods).
  • Inquisitor: Martyr & Prophecy

Also keeping an eye on upcoming Space Marine 2 and the Rogue Trader 40k game.

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Could be nostalgia, could be the games were different then, had substance. Where games were fleshed out, dlcs actually were something you were looking forward to, without thinking to yourself “am I getting robbed for this price?”

Regarding Darktide, I guess, in essence, I miss the story the most, gameplay is there. If it had a decent story I’d probably gobble up all the cons the game has, but I’m getting sidetracked here.

Anyhow, Space Marine 2 should be fun, probably has a plot twist just like the first one, wonder what’s hiding behind the Nids.

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I’ve got back to VT1 to work on true solos, having a blast

Hm I haven’t played through it yet so I’m not sure if it even matters of you fill the meter. On normal I’ve gone up to lvl 6 in a mission and could pull through without a hitch.

What I can say is that there is less rng than in XCOM. If you attack an enemy, you’ll hit him. No hit percentage chance. Also you can customise the difficulty extensively of you want.

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Working through the fourth book in the Eisenhorn series via audiobook. Toby Longworth elevates Abnett’s writing to the next level. Not sure how I feel about the short story collection format, but I’m enjoying it immensely regardless.

That’s pretty cool. How does it do?

it works alright. the ai that takes over the player army supposedly isn’t quite as effective as the players that load into the game as ai.

I’m having a lot of fun with Battlesector and Inquisitor, granted Battlesector is fresh and is being worked on, more races will come, but it could very well be a successor to dawn of war given how the devs are passionate about it.

Can’t even bother checking darktide forums anymore.

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I should fire up Inquisitor again since I heard there’s a new season. I finally completed a season last season and levelled a whole 2 characters.

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