Which weapons are currently underperforming?

Just wanted a gauge from the community about what you think regarding this? And what weapons could potentially use a rework/buff so they’re more viable in higher difficulty. It’s been a few months since the class rework and the dust has more or less settled with the current meta.


Ogryn’s Power Maul and Krourk MK5 Stubber.
These weapons just don’t feel good.

Power Maul - is weak and slow

MK5 Stubber - is outclassed by other marks


off the top of my head:

XII lasgun - needs a damage buff

Graia IAG - brings nothing to the table. the other two outperform it.

Devils Claw - i’m sure this will be contentious with some. TEN lvl4 blessings?? most of which are variations of each other. no uncanny strike. no headtaker. reminds me of the trauma staff - all these worthless blessings there to waste your resources trying to get a decent one.


Kantreal lasguns.

They do what they do okay, but what they do doesn’t really need doing.

I’d like to see them get a recoil/fire rate/move speed/overpen buff because right now they are out-competed by almost every other choice.

1h chainsword. Same.

Claw sword. meh.

Ogryn power maul, so much crap the last time I dropped with it (not even high level, just to see if it was the same) I left early because I couldn’t stand to stay long enough to finish. It makes you almost stop walking just to turn it on. Ogryn can’t walk and use thumb at same time? And move so slow!


With the bonehead implant maybe, otherwise it would be a struggle lol. I was thinking what if charging the maul buffs the next 2 attacks instead of only 1, sort of like the power sword? That way you’re not constantly charging it and going through that animation.

If joking, k. If serious, there were some debates about this, and what the outcome was is our ogryn are super genius ogryn (relatively speaking.) They can say, load a gun…

Take that maul, go into the meat grinder, and just walk over to hit someone. Half way there, push the buttom. Watch your movement slow down to nothing and speed up while walking.

That weapon is almost unusable.

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This is just my opinion tbh.


Ogryn’s Power Maul

Kantrael Mk12

Recon lasguns


Needs Some Love/Outcompeted:

The human shotguns

Kantraels in general


1H chainsword

Fan revolver (arguable lol)

OG shovel

Power Creep Adjustments:

Thunder hammers


Recons overall need a slight buff to match the Columbus auto’s.

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Columnus MK V also needs some umm… tweaks.

It’s a bit much in its current state.

All recons need to have a niche is to have shocktrooper ICD get removed again so they can be
pseudo infinite ammo. They’re supposed to be anti-horde anyways they don’t need crazy single target.

A 10% across the board damage boost wouldn’t hurt either though.

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I agree with blessings needing streamlining in general, but uncanny strike is too ubiquitous already.

More melee weapons should struggle with armor not fewer. Dagger has no business having access to it as an example.

Claw other than the awful crafting is great and almost unrivaled at horde clear while still being mobile. Only iffy one is MK I which is very easy to use but objectively worse than the MK VII and MK IV.

(Sorry for the double post you cant edit in a quote from cellphone apparently.)


I went through this earlier - just horrible at getting a decent one (I wanted shred + rampage) & unarmored & flak.

fair point - I agree. headtaker should be part of the pool, maybe even slaughter.


Uncanny is on things that already deal with armor mediocre to well, unless its the standard issue shovel. It should probably be on ogryn knives, because of how horrible they are at the minute. Less horde clear than BM shovel, impotent on elites and no goofing bosses. Even the shield has better horde clear atm, and the clubs aren’t very far behind while krumping harder than ever. It feels like they’re still stuck in the launch timeline, where the other ogryn melee weapons far under performed on clearing trash but handled elites well. Now they don’t, but the knives are still garbage for killing even ragers, hideous on carapace and near useless on bosses.

I’ll also keep pointing out that las pistols are completely garbage for how ridiculously ammo hungry they are. 4 target weaknesses out of 6 enemy types. No range. Multiple headshots into the weakest specialists praying for crits. Kantrael X has about the same rate of fire as the shotgun version. They’re literally all bad except for the fact that you look cool walking around holding it like John Wick.

Shotguns and the agripinaa revolver really need shot cleave, along with the other 2 braced autoguns. The auto pistol should have run n gun enabled by default and like 300 more ammo, all it’s good for is suppressing enemies. The Krouk stubber needs the shot delay before firing totally removed and the 0.75 flak modifier the Gorgonum has. Mk7 headhunter autogun should have 3.0 hitmass so it can cleave teammates and 2.0 hitmass elites/specialists. Probably more on the gun side.

Most melee weapons are garbage for trying to be different, or not being different enough. Like the Mk7 catachan flips the combo around so its totally pointless to try to make good on its better finesse damage vs Mk4. Or the Mk2 bully club not opening on its strikedown light attack, so its always inferior to either the brunt basher or Mk1. Obscurus has the worst light attack in the game for a headshot focused weapon, that also tries to be a cleaving attack with almost no AoE. Dueling sword 2 just does no damage for some reason despite having a stab like Mk4. Power sword 3 has no animation cancel for some reason. Chain sword 4 just has no use whatsoever. etc etc

The last balance patch was fun but even using turbo buffed weapons like cadian chainsword 4 its obvious they’re still hot garbage.


Devil’s Claw Swords:
The Catachan Swords need access to different Blessings.

Heavy Laspistols:
The Mk X could use a slight damage buff to make up for its slower RPM compared to the Mk II.

Heavy Stubbers:
The Mk IV and VII both consistently outperform the Mk V, and the Mk V could use a damage buff to bridge the gap between it and the Mk IV a little bit.

Heavy Swords:
The Heavy Eviscerators and the Thunder Hammers steal all of the Heavy Swords’ lunch money. They would benefit from a buff that makes up for their slow attacks, and that would also make them feel like a HEAVY Sword.

Helbore Lasguns:
The pullout times for all of the Helbore variants are too long, and it makes Veterans feel like a detriment to their team most of the time because they can’t shoot anything during crucial moments. I’d rather reload a Plasma Gun mid-fight than swap to a Helbore. The Mk III Helbore’s special and light attacks both need buffs, too.

Kantrael Lasguns:
The Kantrael MG IV and Ia Lasguns both steal the MG XII’s lunch money at the moment, so a damage buff for the MG XII would be nice.

Power Maul:
It’s slow, unwieldy, and its normal heavy attack doesn’t cleave nearly as much as it should. It’s actually a no-brainer to just use the Slab Shield with its Battle Maul instead at the moment.

Recon Lasguns:
The Recon Lasguns need an overall slight ammo and damage buff to bring them up to speed with the Infantry Autoguns.

Sapper Shovels:
The Mk III and VII Sapper Shovels both completely dunk on the Standard-issue, so the Standard-issue could stand to benefit from either an attack speed or damage buff to keep up.

Thunder Hammers:
The Thunder Hammers’ self-stuns alone make me rather just use my Heavy Eviscerator and Revolver build.

There are probably others, but those are the main ones that really bug me.


This one… I would say that other than MKV AIG need something to make them valuable. Also MKV needs to see the damages fall more at long range.

I would say also:

  • Recon lasguns (Nobody use it… at contrary of the lasguns)
  • Agri revolver (a pity)
  • Headthunters are not great (at least in my mind and HH others than MK VII - The VII is good enough)

Other than these weapons, I don’t see some weak weapons. However, I see too strong weapons (plasma gun and kickback are the first that come to my mind).
But since the console release and the talents tree, a lot of weapons are well balanced.

Do you mean they need to refine the blessings or trim some fat, because they have access to 10 blessings at T4 of which maybe 3 get used.


It has great potential on crit Zealot IMO it’s just ruined by having a bizarrely sluggish heavy chain for no damn reason. Basically defeats the purpose of an all sweep heavy chain on a theoretically quick weapon. I swear it eats inputs regularly too I just don’t know why it’s this way, it would be so easy to fix to be good.

Ease of use should factor into weapon power more than it does (or doesn’t) already.

I think MK I is fine where its at. My previous post wasn’t a complaint.

I simply think it isn’t good in comparison to its counterparts, but those require a bit of thought to make work so therefore deserve to be better.

I know you weren’t complaining, I was lol. I don’t think it needs the artificially long startup time on heavies and I’m not joking about it eating inputs. Especially if you ever try to link between lights and heavies it feels awful. It pays enough by sacrificing almost any non parry single target damage, the other stuff feels egregious (or in the case of eaten inputs possibly bugged).

It ain’t much more complex to loop light heavy with Mk IV, in fact it somehow feels more fluid than Mk I heavy spam. Anyway I’ll leave it there, Mk I just doesn’t feel quite right to me in practice.


Fair enough.

I tend to write off many melee weapons, and I don’t experiment, or do stress tests with them enough so I’m not 100% on my opinions when it comes to melee.

It might be enough to have a worse parry than the other 2 MKs.

No clue on the input munching though. Maybe I wasn’t trying to push it to its limits enough.

I thought it may have been just me, but this is relieving to read this. you all were talking about the MKI, but i’ve been experiencing this incessantly on my MK IV - moreso than any other weapon. there’s not a problem in the meat grinder, but as soon I’m in a Damnation match swinging light > heavy combo, I’m dropping inputs.

It’s undoubtedly one of the reasons I think it’s underperforming.

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