Weapon Rework Tier Lists

I thought it would be interesting if the community all contributed a personal weapon tier list; a tier of needing buffs and a tier of needing nerfs.

Just for easy reading and fun, I’d love it if people just dumped their lists and didn’t argue with each other. More interested in peoples opinions than who can argue their positions most energetically haha.

Here’s the format I’m thinking.

Buff list:

  1. laser boner
  2. power cord
  3. gaming mouse

Nerf list:

  1. force lightning
  2. magic underwear
  3. nukes
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i’m new to the community, but since when ‘‘rework’’ means balance

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take it however you like, my man. What weapons would you like to see reworked or balanced? You know what buff and nerf mean right?

I would like to se reworking the power sword, but in such a way that it would keep the same strenght level

i feel the same way for the stub revolver

also power mauls, needs to do behave similar to warhammer 40k deathwing power fists, that game just nailed the concept so well, of course we are not in terminator armor, but they should work the same in a smaller scale for me


Taking notes? This is what your community wants.

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you realize this is the exact reason the don’t take notes.

My dude, the only thing they respond to is requests to rework veteran

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