Which weapons are currently underperforming?

I’ve even had it happen in the meat grinder. Weird thing is I don’t remember it being like this shortly after patch 13 but I don’t know if I’m just gaslighting myself.

They are fine, except mg12 (could be +1 target pen for it), more like there is nothing much in vet tree for them. Still fine option with krak nades+VoC

MKIV can clear trashmobs fine, with Bloodletter deletes almost all specials/elites with light shredd. Deletes bulwark/ripper with 1 heavy shredd in the head, or 1 heavy+1 hit, or 2 lights. Great vs bosses. 5 dodge limit, +4 stamina, 1/s sprint speed cost. And this is for vet, on zealot it’s even stronger. One of the best melee weapons.

Devil’s claw (i use MKVII) - S tier weapon. Great vs anything human sized except mauler. Best weapon vs ragers cause parry. Same great mobility stats as 1h chainsword.


A fellow MK VII user? Truly, a man of culture.


Thunder hammer still inconsistent with breakpoints.


Other users above me have already highlighted some Blessings that would work better, so I didn’t bother to go into specifics! Certain Blessings could also stand to be cut, but I’m not a big Devil’s Claw gal, so I’ll leave that debate to others who are! :wink:

Those weapons are meant to be strong.


All burst fire guns need to lay every shot at the initial aiming point. Why in world would you choose to use a gun that intentionally wastes 2 bullet into the ether each left click?

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Problem is if they overshadow things too much.

I want plasma’s uncharged shot hitbox changed to be more precise to indirectly nerf its cleave.

See where it goes from there.

Kickback I have no real comments on as I don’t have enough personal experience using it, but from mostly from the outside (and partly personal experience) it seems kind of insane being able to one shot every disabler + special even without being specced into ranged damage or needing to aim in any real capacity.

Whether that needs a nerf, or not is neither here nor there for me. I’ve never felt its overshadowed anyone’s gameplay like a plasma can, but I can definitely see why some people would want it nerfed.

You can definitely land all 3 in one spot even at longer ranges consistently, but your point is well taken.

I think they should work like an actual burst fire weapon instead of being a clunky autogun. Faster RoF on the bursts, and longer time between to make the overall RoF/DPS the same, but closer to how it should actually work.

HH3 just feels like a bad IAG to me that happens to have very high DPS though not enough for me to choose it over said IAG.


I can get behind that Plasma Gun light attack precision rework.

Honestly, as someone who has a lot of experience with the Kickback, the one issue with its damage against the bigger enemies is its range, if its overall ranged damage falloff was slightly raised it’d make the Kickback a lot more balanced. My Kickback only has 60% range, and it makes the bigger enemies a LOT harder to kill on Damnation when they’re not close to you. With my suggestion, someone with an 80% range Kickback would no longer be able to one-shot critical hit Crushers from 20m away.

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This is such a tough one to answer. I have crazy hours in the game since release and even now, every time I go into one of my testing sprees I discover something that makes weapons that seemed mid or bad actually work fantastic with specific builds. Skill is a factor too. For example those of us with bad aim will never be able to make precision weapons or keystones like Marksman’s Focus work the way some others could. :sweat_smile:

So basically any weapon I mention here has a chance for being good for something I haven’t tried or discovered yet. And good balance doesn’t mean “everything gets used equally often for every role”, but rather “everything has a role for something useful”.

That said, these are the ones I’ve tried and find lackluster for various reasons, using not at all or preferring basically any other mark of the same family:

  • Duelling Sword II(?) - The one with nothing but slashes on both lights & heavies
  • Ripper Gun VI
  • Mk VI Cleaver - Worse at everything than the other two
  • Obscurus Force Sword - Worse at everything than the other two
  • Shredder - IA or BAG is just better at the same role
  • Rashad Combat Axe
  • Headhunter III - Same dmg and # of ammo as IX, but far worse stagger, bigger recoil thanks to the 3-round burst and thus bigger ammo consumption
  • Graia Infantry Autogun - Too weak
  • Graia BAG - Too weak and its recoil makes it far less accurate than Agripinaa for example, so performs worse at every range
  • Kantrael Laspistol - Uses +50% more ammo than Agripinaa, is half as fast, lower crit rate iirc, and yet both are just as accurate
  • Recon * - VId is just better at everything Recons are supposed to do. VIIa is slowest and also takes twice as much ammo, and its bonus dmg nowhere near makes up for the speed & ammo
  • Devil’s Claw I - Iirc it only had cleave attacks and worst & weakest push attack too
  • Heavy Sword * - Anything that isn’t IX is just worse iirc

Then people should stop asking to nerf other weapons… at least, until the too strong weapons are balanced.

I won’t argue with that. I’m more on this thread to discuss which weapons need buffs if anything.

They meant to be high dmg, but not braindead to use. That’s a problem in DT that weapon easy to use also has great dmg. Kickback range (or how pellets hit counts) is overtuned, ammo ammount is kek, it’s like a shotgun-sniper rifle with ~50 ammo.

Plasma needs some rescale between light-charged. Light is just spam that can also stagger non-human sized targets like mute, and you can’t blow yourself. Meanwhile charge is ammo inefficient, takes some time (not a bad thing), and you can blow yourself. Light attacks need some nerf, charged need some buff. Plasma should ask more skill from player and be a risk-reward weapon.


Anyways, worst of the worst are the recon lasguns. Ammo burner, inefficient, a plague for your teammates…
And even with a critic template… so, without, that’s hilarious how you have to steal every single ammo to be able… to kill stuff. And even with that, you’re under everything else (and every other players).


I’m amicable to that, but the charged attack really shouldn’t get too much of a buff because I already one-shot Crushers on Damnation with the charged attack if I get either a critical or weak spot hit.

I like the idea of rewarding the charged attacks and making the light attacks feel like light attacks, though!


Agreed, I proposed a slight ammo and damage buff for the Recon Lasguns to make them more ammo-efficient like the Infantry Lasguns are!

My MG IV Infantry Lasgun has around 1300 total ammo :sob:




Yes, this is the essence of most of my complaints around weapon balancing. The effort to reward ratio is way off in Fatshark games in general.

Revolver is nearly perfect as an example and just needs to have its raycast size for easier headshots just changed to be a regular size, but things like the autoguns, or in a lot of cases brauto guns are too rewarding for their skill requirements.


I agree. Except one thing. Remove the “slight”. We are above that. They really need a true buff. And for all. The stronger recon lasgun (VIIa) is also the worst in term of efficiently.
Nothing is good in recon lasgun. But, by the past, Fatshark succeeded to balance several other garbage weapons… at least the team behing combat is competent (at contrary of the ones that are behind the cosmetic system)

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Any chance you have a video of this happening, or build guide/situation where this result could be reproduced? I kinda find this really hard to believe to be possible.

This, the amount of ammunition on the kickback is way too high.

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they are a little too strong… but not to this point! lol

(a “”““little””“”" off topic btw)