Which is the best rapid fire lasgun now?

Trying to make the best lasgun veteran for havoc 40 with not much time to experimenting what is the best lasgun now? and why is the best?

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Are we including ALL Las Weapons? I’d go with either Mk XII Recon Lasgun or Mk II Heavy Laspistol, depending on whether you prefer Rifles or Handguns. Infernus and Dumdum are my favourite Blessings for both of those Las Weapons.

Why? Infantry Lasguns are underperforming right now and Helbore Lasguns seem to be… well, they take quite a while to equip and that might be a pain in the arse to deal with on Havoc 40.

I explained why I believe that Infantry Lasguns are underperforming in this Topic of mine:


I forgot to write, i meant rapid fire lasgun, i think i will try the Mk XII Recon Lasgun then, thx for the tipp.


I’m glad to have helped! On a side note, it works particularly well on Veteran with “Bring it Down!”, “Confirmed Kill”, “Fully Loaded”, “Precision Strikes”, “Rending Strikes”, “Shock Trooper” and “Superiority Complex” paired with a Folding Shovel. Pack of Crushers? Cluster of Gunners? Never heard of 'em!


This is my problem with them. The equip time gets me killed damn near every time I try and run them, and watching/spectating people running their e-cosplay Krieg meme builds struggle-bus and fail through missions trying to make the Helbore work is…painful.

Between the crap sights (for something supposed to be a relatively precision weapon) and unnecessarily long equip time, this weapon just feels unnecessarily difficult to work with.

For anyone with real world firearm experience, the Helbore gives me huge HK G3/91 vibes. Big, powerful, cool looking, durable and reliable as hell, but with controls that all feel designed for an 8ft tall user with no thought given to ergonomics or swiftness of operation (awful trigger, difficult to operate charging handle, no drop-free mags, crappy diopter sight, etc), resulting in a shooting experience that’s both difficult to engage targets accurately with and genuinely just not fun next to most contemporary alternatives like the FAL.

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