Give lasguns critical bonus instead of stopping power/ collateral

they need love and this is a perfect change to make them more competitive


I don’t know which family of lasguns you are talking about, but for the Infantry Lasguns both the 4 and the 1a are very strong right now.

Oh do tell on which difficulty ? xD

Auric Damnation? They’re already strong stacking the headshot = crit chance and than either infernus or increaaed crit weakspot damage. The mk 12 suffers on Damnation because it can’t hit breakpoints.

What breakpoints can’t it hit? can 1 shot dreg shooters/snipers with body shot.

Specificalists and Elites mainly. It’s not bad but the other 2 variants are better right now.

i’m talking about the recon lasguns. won’t let me change title again :frowning: . also what you mean about the mk 12? its got better weakspot and overall dps then the others

mk12 has better dps then the m4 but the 1a has the best but not by much. m12 still has the chunkiest hits tho

My Accatran Mk VIIa Recon Lasgun is my sole weapon of choice.

It’s a lighter carbine with the following features: laser beams that can sever a human arm and cauterize the wound at the same time, equipped with a flashlight, fully automatic while holding down the trigger. The gun has a pleasant firing sound and an excellent reload animation.

What’s not to love about the Recon Lasgun?