No scope headshots, horde control and pew pew. I don’t even have inferno yet and this gun still cooks! As long as you’re headshotting and not wasting ammo.
Recon lasgun and not wasting ammo? Oxymorons are considered heresy on this forum.
I do enjoy the Recon Lasguns, but their low damage really starts to be noticeable on their higher difficulties where you can dumb half a mag into a special or elite’s head and they don’t die or get staggered. I do think they need a bit of a damage bump still to be in a place to compete with the Kantrael XII, which is probably my favorite of the rifle type weapons.
It may be fun, but that fun nosedives on Heresy and even more on Damnation as its time-to-kill drops off drastically. There are many other viable options, recon lasgun on damnation is a liability and is in need of a decent buff.
Recon is good for gun psyker! Its almost a guaranteed headpop every 15 seconds
An actual weapon (a weapon that deals damage all the time, not once per 15 seconds) would be even better.
Eh you can deal damage with it consistently if you go for headshots, which is something recommendable most of the time. Works for me pretty good even on damnation.
Even so, it’s the best choice if you are more melee focused and you just need to pop something asap, works even better with cerebral lacerations, mutants and ogryns go down pretty fast.
From what I hear with the right blessings, infernus being one of them, it’s pretty good.
Have you tried autopistols?
Yeah, it’s basically the same but less accurate. I prefer the accuracy of recon to pop fast an elite that’s too far away to engage in melee. I use autopistols on zealot only.
FUNCTIONALLY for a gun psyker that wants to pop things asap with it’s gun, at distance, which requires a high rate of fire and precision, they are almost the same, being recon the most prcise. That’s what I meant!
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