What's coming up in Darktide

Who put that rng in the game at the first place and why ? I feel the desing intend are overruled by reality… Oh well we see what fs cooking…

My utterly baseless prediction is: since shared resources are big W for the community FS don’t dare to touch that so plasteel and diamante stays as resources… ( Might be introduced a 3rd one )…

Items can be recycled for materials…

Emperor gift are boosted so 1 ranged 1 melee 1 and 1 curio drop with crap perks / blessings, so the devs can skew the material distribution to the end game loot instead of the map pickups… (Lost game still hinders you but picked up materials are not penalized)

Brunt sells you only grey base

Mommy hadron bit pissi cuz the community cokblocked her favorite pass time Wich was bricking near perfect grays so now every price quadruplets… 4 time… 1 blessings application cost 25000 plasteel and 10000 diamante

But the real deal is Melk…! Now he has perfect god rolls but the catch is he is now run an auction house with limited wear (2300 pieces at max strangely the exact number as the lowest player count so far and as a passive aggressive fukyou from the upper management toward the player’s) if you bid for an item and you lose melk dose not refund sits and act as a major resources sink hole…

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