Right now its at 45% positive reviews, if we’re just talking percentages thats already “mostly negative”. But what is the percentage needed for it to actually hit that mostly negative label?
Just left my first negative review for the game and I’m curious what is needed to push it. Also if there’s no update tomorrow I wouldn’t be surprised if that was enough to push the ratings even lower.
I’m not expecting an update right now, silly pants. The CM already explained the situation. I’m just interested in the reactions when it eventually comes out. My hope is this developer doesn’t do another PR Puff piece but actually hears its community out and acknowledges their issues. Then gives us an action plan on how they’re going to fix it. Like I keep saying, the sooner Darktide reaches an acceptable state, the faster I can stop nagging Fatshark and get to enjoy the game that I’ve looking forward to for years.
Seriously ? the CM has eplained they will now sit around a fire and discuss problems… great…
And ? they also said they would give us crafting in december. Is this cancelled ? I just hope they have started to work on something, cause if they haven’t, the game has a serious problem.
I have never bought a game rated with negative reviews. NEVER.
And maybe I have missed good games.
Cause, in my opinion, Darktide is a good game. But negative reviews are here cause it was relased as a finished game and… well it is not finished when parts of the game are not yet here (CRRRRRRAAAAAAFTING). Also, bad reviews keep getting posted cause of crashes.
So, I really think that they should publish an update with crafting and also fixes that they could make. Even if it fix 6 - 7 situations that create crashes, it will ameliorate the situation.
Worst attitude is to do nothing. By always repeating “soon we will give you something”, you can only generate disappointement.
I find it ironic how there is a mob of you with pitchforks so hell-bent on ruining the game’s reputation and the game has lived in your head rent free since 30th of Nov 2022.
We get it, you don’t like the game, it’s state and FatShark decision to go with 2 worst things in modern gaming: live service and micro-transactions.
I’m pretty sure Fatshark gets it too, even their execs who will maintain the poker face, especially as long money from micro-transactions keeps rolling in.
Leave your feedback and leave. Take a break for few weeks, maybe months or a year. Come back and give it a try again. We all know that despite its broken state, you still enjoy the game and WANT to play it. You won’t play it in a better state by the reverse of marketing: review bombing the title to death.
First of all. If anyone is ruining Fatshark’s reputation? It’s Fatshark themselves.
Review bombing? What review bombing? The negative reception the game’s continuing to receive? Yes? All well deserved.
Got any other anti consumer buzzwords that you would like to throw around? “Entitled”? Yes? Indeed! We are entitled to a refund given the game’s abysmal, technical state alone. Never mind the numerous, half assed gameplay systems that are in place or just completely missing from the game.
Why? Because this mess is nowhere near being a finished product.
Yeah. Sure. I’ll come back in a few months. Give me my money back first. How’s that sound? Very fair, i would say.
No one minds MTX - we literally had a shop in VT2 and it was fine.
If you haven’t noticed by the drop in players online, most people have put it on the shelf.
Valid criticism and thus negative reviews is not review bombing and rating is literally the only way to make a company listen. Bad reviews = no sales which begets actions.
Yes, we are cheering the review rating dropping on a daily, bi-daily basis. It means that Fatshark is forced to listen and make good on their promises.
See unlike VT1 & 2 which launched to overall positive despite having very rocky launches - Darktide did not and it did not because we were promised so much, that then never materialized and/or was flat out lies - combined with some very patronizing CM statements.
They took around two weeks. It’s fine to complain about the state of the game, but I don’t think it’s acceptable to insinuate that the devs should crunch over Christmas. Things do slow down over this period.
No, this is not at all true. Game development takes time. They’re currently working hard to fix as many issues for as many people as they can with what ever resources they have, prioritising as they go along for maximal effect.
Since the game has shipped then people naturally turn up the heat, but stating that they are waiting it out is simply not true. It is, however, a self-inflicted position they have put themselves in.
Just to be clear, I think we all have every right to point out concrete things that are missing, not working, or that you would like to see improved, but expecting anything to happen over night (or over Christmas) is simply not realistic. It’s not how development of anything works.
… all of this could have been solved by not releasing an unfinished product, but two wrongs don’t make a right.
I know I am one person who absolutely despise Always Online Live Services cause I’ve had games I played to be shut down cause they weren’t profitable enough. Dark Spore being an example.
Macrotransactions in general can go lick a streetlamp cause that stuff is being exploited to ridiculous degrees right now.
Then you hate all games since the turn of the century, because they’ve more or less all had verifications in some way that meant they could shut down which incidentally is the majority of all games. Sure, there have been outlier that were still offline or had an offline singleplayer mode/LAN (strategy, simulations and such), but the majority was not.
The issue is not Live Service, the issue is how a company manages said live service. Fatshark, being extremely incompetent at managing anything in general.
Similarly, MTX be that micro or macro has always been a thing. You bought expansions for your old games - that’s MTX. The problem here is not that they sell cosmetics, the problem is the methods they employ to sell said cosmetics.
You do work and you should obviously be compensated. You live in a capitalistic world regardless of where you live and this is how capitalism works.
Again, the issue is not live service nor is it MTX, the issue is the way they are being handled.