What is with the level2 trolls, lately?

Good morning.

I play T2 missions to easily complete the week’s bounties, before moving on.

Lately, the T2 missions are being swarmed by level 2 players ( namely veterans ) who won’t heal, pick up ammo or grenades, kits, etc, regardless if they’re tagged or not. These games usually end in a wipe ( I can’t carry mission yet, sorry ), then these L2 players fill up chat with "this game sucks " or “Fatshark sucks”, etc - then leave.

I’m going to assume they are just trolling anyone who still plays Darktide, as it’s pretty recent with content creators also dropping Darktide/Vermintide2 to explore other games.

Now I don’t agree with much of the recent nerfs to Darktide and Vermintide 2, Darktide’s recolor skin packs, etc, but taking the time to troll the playerbase ingame - that’s a new low for this community.

I’m wondering if anyone else is encountering these people, and if there’s an actual report system to stop them.

Thank you.


Sounds to me like genuinely bad players, but you never know.


People stuck in L2 and failing to progress to level 3, then lambasting the game as bad, would be an interesting interview resource for a team wanting to improve the progression pipeline in their game.


what samplesize we are talking about? i mean i kinda doubt that there are enough to draw any meaningful data from

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Why is it always has to be trolling?
Bad players exist, lazy players exist and low awareness players exist as well.
Is it even fun to troll people by not taking items? That seems unlikely to me.

Also, not taking an item is one of the last reasons of failed mission.


At launch when the game is an unknown, I’d understand maybe.

18 months in (ish) - who is dropping £20 or whatever it is on a game with plenty of reviews and not persevering past lvl 2?
What’s that, a single games worth of xp?

I think probably trolls.


Sorry to hear that. My only suggestion is to try and reflect and see what the common denominators are in your games.

As far as you wondering, no. I typically do not encounter the behavior you mentioned.

My speculation on the type of responses you have received lead me to believe they are very new players, frustrated with the learning curve of the horde genre.

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I’d assume it’s a mix of bad players and some trolls. Super easy difficulties, hand on heart, exist for really casual gamers to get their feet wet, learn the fundamentals of video gaming (I know how ridiculous this sounds but it is true.) and have fun without any pressure. So it comes as no surprise to me personally there would be players like that on those difficulties. There are still horribly bad players in higher difficulties but the most terrible cannot handle the pressure and either return to malice / heresy or quit altogether.

You have a good point. I find Uprising and Sedition to be very strange difficulties. Like I mentioned earlier, they are meant to be super easy but they don’t even represent a game of Darktide. Many different elites do not spawn on Uprising or Sedition at all and if they do it’s very rare.


they unfortunately just lack swag


Found unworthy by the Emperor, resigned to playing T2 uprising at lvl 30.


I feel there has been an increase of disillusioned players just trying to impart their pain on everyone around them for certain. I know over the last day or two, even all the way up in Auric, I got a complete numskull who spent the entire match complaining that my GUN OGRYN with a MINI GUN in a team of TWO ZEALOTS AND A PSYKER was using the ammo to clear waves, when everyone always passed by all the ammo drops so I’d just pick them up, and we ended the match with 2 ammo crates and 2 heal kits hardly touched.

No border, no mark/talisman thing, prisinor garb and a knife. The clearest troll I’ve ever seen just centering me out for whatever reason, calling himself a ‘Ogryn main’ as a Zealot and acting like if you aren’t melee front line your trash. We walked through the mission with no downs, but lost a few to the toxicity (as in they just left) and ended up with a Vet (who also didn’t use any of the ammo pick ups and power sworded everything) and a bot. I toughed it out just so I could block them and remove them from my matchmaking que, but saw them insta queing after the fact in the social tab and kept doing that for quite a while after. If you see “No emaN” in your games, get ready for a ‘fun time’.

Saw another one who just seemed like a pissed off player swearing up a storm whenever they went down or just sighing heavily over the mic whenever something even slightly inconvenient happened to them. But again, they just seemed like a tired player more than the actively malicious dude above.

But yeah, I think there’s been an increase due to the dropping player population combined with entitled people getting annoyed that a game that already took a year to update is in fact still keeping that update cadence. Can only block the ones you see (assuming they stay online after the game to allow you to block them) and hope you don’t encounter 50 of them, or just start a cycle going if you do of unblocking the old ones and blocking newer active ones.

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Ok that title had me laugh pretty hard ngl!

i’ll just say that there ARE players out there that are far far less skilled and experienced than you. On a side note I’m sure they appreciate the company of a more experienced player to guide them to the end. Who knows? Maybe they’re really new to the game and are on a 10x loss streak on malice alone


“I just had 3 bad games. Let me jump on the forums and claim there’s an epidemic of trolls making the game universally unplayable.”


Just for the sake of checking out… i played 3 games on T2… An i really found two
First and Second game was normal.
On third i was with a duo of lvl 11 veteran and lvl 10 zealot. BOTH died around 6 times.
Veteran was complaining that there is not enough ammo and blamed the game. He was talking through voice chat! I told him through voice chat about ammo i marked. Luckily there was a lvl 29 ogryn, witch said that he could hear me.
Dude literally ignored me or muted me because i was trying to help him

Zealot said nothing, he just kept on playing. Rushing in middle of horde, hitting PoxBursters with a shovel and avoiding any kind of healing. He died only 2 times tho…



You could directly report them to fatshark if you got say video proof, but the conduct would have to be really really blatant and not just bad players being bad.

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I’ve been thinking about this and I think it’s to do with the penances. So many penances require X amount of competed missions - so I think people turn to this level to speed run over and over to get more missions done.

I still collected materials when I did this but I’m a total horder with materials and like to get as much as possible. I have over 15k plasteel and still have to hunt for it all. Never know, the next big update might have reason to need lots of materials.

I like to tinker with upgrading anyway so need a big palette of resources.

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