We're getting Blessing Updates (apparently)

I know I’ve just recently made this joke but it fits here again.

No but seriously, what do the random weapon stats add?

The problem with the new speedload is twofold:
A) It’s still not powerful enough. 20% reload speed was never something substantial. Make it 33% or 50% at the highest tier and we will talk.
B) The Blessing needed to have it’s conditional criteria removed or made more forgiving, not less. Now you have to switch to melee, kill a dude, switch again and then reload within 2 seconds to get that tiny 20% reload speed boost. What a pittance of a reward for a high level play. It’s so very circumstancial I hardly ever see it proccing for me.

I see you are questioning Fatshark’s Design Intent.

(old joke I know)


There - fixed your typo. You‘re welcome.


Old but gold ^^


Seriously, this is something that would have no impact on the gameplay and the game economy.

And tbh, I don’t like these stats

So, I would be happy that they remove the modifiers… but I guess it won’t happen

I don’t hate the idea of trying to make do with a variation of what you want, nor do I hate the idea of trying to have the possibility of incremental improvement over the long term built into the system.

The devil, as always, is in the details. I feel like it was perhaps a mistake including damage stats in the variables (people care about BPs and will naturally prioritise those over eg mobility), and in general the importance of each stat a weapon has access to is pretty poorly balanced.

In general I think the stat system is another case of Fatshark biting off more than they can chew in terms of implementing such a system in a way that is balanced and allows such genuine preference in what you’re looking for.

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Yeah, I really don’t understand that change. I went looking for a rationale behind it, or even a date when it happened, but the announcements board doesn’t mention this particular change. If anyone has any info on this one I’d be interested to hear it.

If I had to guess, I’d say they took the same angle as some others in this thread and felt that sliding to activate wasn’t natural; That if you used the blessing, you’d be regularly performing an otherwise superfluous action purely for the reload buff. They probably thought that a melee kill followed by a reload was something that’d happen frequently and organically as part of normal gameplay, so it’d trigger more often without having to go out of the way to do it.

They might’ve also thought that it was kind of weak for weapons that aren’t braced autoguns, since those don’t tend to rely so heavily on mobility and thus didn’t prompt the player to slide/reload as often. Theoretically, for someone who spends most of their time ADSing at a longer range and meleeing at close range, a faster reload after melee-killing something that gets in your face is going to get you back to shooting faster.

If this is the rationale, they might consider looking at how weapon specials work, because they literally work by performing a superfluous action just for the bonus effect.

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It is not even a 1/5 (=20%) reduction of reload time.
It is a 1/5 (=20%) increase in reload speed.
So it is only a 1-(1/1.2)=1/6 (=16.67%) reduction of reload time.

So it is even worse.

Even when you stack multiple bonuses to get 100% increase to reload speed, it is only a 50% reduction of reload time.

The rationale is fine. And it was me. I was the guy saying sliding around just so you can reload faster is silly. But I thought it would be buffed by being made more useful. Instead the new change will make it a lot more finicky.

It’s a weird change, because other changes are a lot better. See Stripped Down going from low-value Blessing to almost God Tier in fire fights.
Other Blessings get added values or affect weapon stats making them more useful. I don’t get why this one Blessing gets the shaft with a pretty hamfisted Design decision. And I know, I’m usually the guy posting the Design Intend meme. But still. This is a weird one.

What am I missing here? Are you telling me there is a Reload speed modifier / numeric value / attribute, that caps out at 50% the total reload speed. And of that modifier you only get 20%?
That would make the Blessing truly abysmal and noobtrap territory. I assumed the 20% immediately affected the total reload speed, which at least would make it semi-interesting on weapons with long reload speed timers.

“Something” speed is the rate at which you do something (for example: a movement speed of 10 km per 1 hour).
“Something” time is how long it takes to do something (for example: 1 hour).

Increasing your speed of doing something by 100% means that you do something twice as fast, which means that it only takes half the time.
Decreasing the time it takes to do something by 100% means that it will now happen instantaneously.

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You’re right. I should have looked at that tiny but important syntax difference.
Really blows the mind, though.

Reload time reduction is not proportional to reload speed increase.

But reload time is anti-proportional to reload speed.
reload time = base reload time / reload speed

20% reload speed increase → reduces reload time by 16.67%
50% speed increase → reduces time by 33.33%
100% speed increase → reduces time by 50%
300% speed increase → reduces time by 75%


I’d be more willing to put my money on them needing to find 5 RNG levers for weapon stats (of which, at least 2 need to be dmg oriented) in addition to the other 4 that come after it.

This was 100% not them not knowing what they were doing, this was absolutely intentional to keep you grinding and have a reason to keep playing even once you got something you’re contempt with.

If we had to have random weapon stats, I’d also prefer none of them to have an impact on damage. Then again, if none of them affect damage, why would you care what the rest does. It would be way easier to balance weapons properly AND EVEN ALLOW them to balance weapons, if you were inclient enough to give them that freedom.

I, personally, still wouldn’t but at least now there’d be a possible discussion to be had about the subject.

Random weapon stats shouldn’t be a thing, end of discussion. That’s my 2 cents anyways.

If we were able to freely modify the stats with diamantine f.e., I would be “fine” with them as they wouldn’t be random anymore.

Those diminishing returns make it a really unattractive pick. So that Blessing essentially means a dead slot, if you are locked into that Blessing, because you couldn’t even stack those numbers high enough to make a sizable difference.

It also depends on how long the reload time is imo.

If I can get my boltgun to reload 60% faster, I’m saving 5 seconds every single time I reload.

If we’re talking about a shredder though, yeah 60% saving me 1.5sec tops, doesn’t seem so worth it.

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With reload speed increases that actually do what they say (devs often mix it up, the same way you originally did), the more % you stack, the worse your rate of “% time decrease per % speed increase”.
So it would be incentivized to not get a lot of that stat.

Some other games give you bonuses that decrease reload time, which means that you get a lot of value for getting a lot of that stat.

I once played a game where devs mixed up “x% increase to attack speed” and “x% decrease to time between attacks”.
And it was actually possible to get to 100%. It was pretty nutty. You just clicked once and POP you emptied your entire magazine in basically a single shot.

Yes. For example, 20% reload speed increase could be all that is needed to be able to chain the veteran ult, or to be able to keep up a damage blessing.


There is no gun in Darktide that really rewards reload speed increases much, Boltgun aside. But you’d still have to invest deeply and how deep can you even go?
You can get 20% with this Blessing, you can get an additional 10% increase on the gun itself as a static bonus.
Veteran has two skills.
+20% reload speed if you reload with a non-empty weapon.
+30% on specialist and elite kill.

All in all we can stack to a maximum of 80% reload speed increase, under ideal sublime conditions. That’s not even 50% less reload time. Oof.

But that’s all assuming that the raw math applies. I assume it does in this case, but I know there is a lot of games that also introduce artificial diminishing returns as well as soft and hard caps.
In Dark Souls, leveling attributes becomes terribly ineffective once you reach certain treshholds.
In Dota 2, you start out with abysmal attack times of 1.2 to 1.8 seconds and as you get more attack speed rating, the attack time reduction is huge at first and then sharply drops off. You end up needing +60 attack speed rating to get a few milliseconds faster attack speed.

Doing something to gain minor benefit is just the peak of this games blessing design. If the reload perk actually cut the reload in half or made it near instant then yes, I could maybe understand the need for condition to exists.

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It’s the same thing with attack and defense stats in Monster Hunter.

There comes a point after which adding an extra 9 raw damage effectively does nothing and adding another 80 defense only decreases damage by another 10%

If you’re at 1100 def. Going to 1180 does nothing because it’s the 13th instance of a 10% damage reduction. Which is an increase in survivability of less than 1%. That will never matter.
What did it cost you to get to that point? A whole 7 skillpoints which could’ve been 3 whole other QoL skills which would have an impact on your hunt.

Not being aware of the math there really screws you over ^^


It is actually a 44.44% reload time reduction. :smiley:
At least it should be, if the full 80% speed bonus apply.

Here is the formula for reload time reduction in %:
“% reload time reduction” = 1 - [100 / (100 + “% reload speed bonus”)]

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