We're getting Blessing Updates (apparently)

I feel humiliated and defeated.
Take your :heart: and go.


P.S.: I still think the reload speed increase is pretty bad value for your Blessing slot, though. Especially with that melee kill condition.


Stacking reload buffs is enough to bring the bolter’s reload down far enough that the vet’s ult doesn’t time out between magazines. You can keep the wallhacks up for as long as there’s things around to refresh it. If I remember right, you can reach the threshold without actually building the gun itself for it.

It’s a niche case, but it makes an enormous difference.

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You can, but if you are going for the double reload talent you really should also pick up the +Reload perk it makes a huge difference on bolter.

Nerf some blessings is not unacceptable, but Fatshark should consider why players use only that blessing.
It stems from poor weapon balance, and if that is not fixed, players will leave again.

For as long as DT is a gacha experience, nerfs are unacceptable, no expections.

It’s not as simple as saying that it’s a weapon blanace issue and there have been plenty of people claiming your point here and nobody actually left because “boltgun, shredder, PS, flamer, CA, BM pinning fire OP!!”

The balance issues are so much deeper than “it’s X or Y!”

Then there’s also the point that power blessings are clearly ment to be the object of chase so them considering why everyone uses them has already happend and it’s by design.

What you are saying is, ``If we accept this nerfs, Fatshark will continue to cross the line one after another while maintaining gacha’'?
If so, this may indeed be a sensitive issue. I was thinking about these separately.

My point is about lack of choice. Weak blessings are completely impractical.
There will be an update in October, which should bring in some new players. We’re going to lose new recruits again when they see the game filled with the same weapons, the same blessings.

Yes, it is. I would like to add that, I am worried that FS is making decisions based on “X or Y.”

I understand your opinion.
I hope FS doesn’t say, “This blessing was TOO STRONG, so we nerf it. That’s all.”

Brutal, looks like Stripped Down got nerfed

Fatshark always nerfs the fun stuff. Who are these people complaining. I’m sure one tryhard is doing some speedrun and complaining about not being hit but that’s him.

You can already not be hit if you try hard, and you still have to do something to not be hit even if stripped down is helping

It was just an extremely fun aspect of the game, such as the game is

Maybe? It’s hard to say until we know what the specific numbers look like.

Right now it’s a flat buff to move speed. The new version is a buff to move speed + ranged immunity while over X stamina.

Combine new ‘stripped down’ with some stam buffs and it might be pretty good. Depends on the threshold for stamina and the speed buff.

Actually I’m pretty sure why it’s so potent is that it’s the only multiplicative move speed increase in the game, which is why it feels like a much larger speed increase than the mobility stat on weapons despite the values not looking that high.

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Fair, but my point was that we don’t know how impactful (relatively) the replacement will be until we get our hands on it.

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To be fair, there is also this stinker:


From one of the testers on Discord.

Retaining full damage is honestly more generous than I expected from what we’ve heard. Considering how high you can push the first target damage on Caxe honestly this blessing seems very far from murdered as some seem to be fearing.

@Ralendil Hope that assuages your fears. Also achieves what you’ve asked for, which is making BM potent on Shovel, since it will let you effectively extend its limited damage cleave for each trash mob you can headshot kill.


Ahhhh yes thankyou, I forgot about those. To be fair to Rev it Up the blessings it’s competing with on those weapons are so mediocre that for Evic especially it’s probably a solid pick.

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If it actually ignores EVERYTHING about the enemies that are killed with a headshot, that is potentially huge.
And makes 1 shot breakpoints even more important (1 horizontal attack kills EVERYONE vs it kills nothing).

In this case, it would likely be an overall buff for some of the weapons, but a pretty substantial nerf for some of the others.

I think everyone assumed that it would only ignore hitmass, but would still count the enemy as “target hit” and therefore deal reduced damage to the following targets.

I have to test that with PS when it comes out.

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Make sure to do 360° spin 2 win.

Imagine jumping into the middle of a horde while charging your heavy, then chopping off everyone’s heads within 360° around you, in a single spin attack.
That would be glorious.


Excellent news. Sound better.
Doesn’t change that I really want that they balance this and adjust other too strong blessings or weapons AND buff incredibly weak weapons (catachan sword, chain weapon) and useless blessings

Well the good news there is the same tester was saying FS has been extremely responsive to their feedback during testing, sometimes pushing balance adjustments from tester feedback literally the next day. So hopefully the testers have pushed a lot of general balance feedback and we see some of the wide sweeping balance adjustments we’ve been hoping for.


Ye, having only half the picture in terms of “Here’s the blessing, but there are other undisclosed but significant changes”, people could only make assumptions based on what’s in-game now.

BM sounds like it’s gonna be strong, but in a more fun and rewarding way. No falloff sounds kiiinda nutty, but we’ll have to wait and see. I do wonder if that means FS have made the Nth-target falloff model more flexible, or if they’re just doing reducing N on a weakspot kill.

The Achlys combat axe with its first heavy (I think) should be fun. Chopping down hordes like you’re chopping down trees :smiley:

My first thought was the Veteran Shovel, but I just checked that it doesn’t have BM (according to GamesLantern) so… glory be unto the poop shovel, so that I may enjoy both quality punching and cleaving

I wonder if the First Target modifier (where present) is intended to carry through. Between that and the weakspot bonus, is there any non-specialist/elite enemy you can’t one-shot?

Well, the new version offers combat utility instead of just “I can sprint to the next fight”. Like @Tzcheese said, it’s hard to say without numbers but getting ranged damage immunity in exchange for lower uptime on the sprint boost? That seems like a good deal to me.

im assuming the double negative isnt intended. i dont understand this logic if things need to be balanced they need balancing , nerf or buff its better than leaving it broken. that will loose players.

Stripped Down is currently stupidly good. With T4 I run down Taxe and Knife zealots and the bonus movespeed is active even with no stamina. While the extra mobility isn’t as flashy as a damage boost, it is very powerful and seriously underestimated by the majority.

The changes are interesting at least, but it’s a change to an already very well-performing blessing. It has to be really good to make up for the %stamina requirement. Even if it turns out just as good (or better) I’ll kinda miss zooming around with it on Zealot.

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