Kill Scab’s / Dregs Contract’s are dumb.
Why do I think so? Because the game throws both at you regardless and depending on the difficulty sometimes more than some unprepared teams can handle.
Why not just have these contract’s merged and say, kill 1400 Enemies, with specials counting double.
I do not see a reason to split something like that up in 2 enemy types since both spawn during missions.
These are the easiest contracts and they are not a priority to change compared to the others. You don’t even need to look at your contracts to get them done as your teammates kills count towards it.
Fatshark clearly struggled to come up with “content” for contracts with how limited this game system is atm, so I doubt they remove it. These contracts are extremely easy to complete and require no effort, your teammate kills also count towards the counter afaik.
Definitely see the OP’s point, and generally agree but I’m not sure there’s really a better option currently. Contracts are either:
something you can do on any mission, so you just gradually accumulate progress OR
something you need a specific mission for, which mostly just sucks. (Because you have to wait for a mission like that to cycle if you’re trying to get that specific contract done.)
The latter type are mostly just frustrating. So personally I don’t even bother going out of my way for them (grims, scripts, etc). It’s up to FS’ designers to either have (A) all contracts be the first category where you’re slowly making progress no matter which mission you run or (B) have some contracts be things players can control, but somehow in a way that doesn’t create toxicity.
For example they could easily create a contract “Personally kill x Crushers” but now players would care about kill-stealing. But if it’s not personal then the contract can’t drive a player to explore the “anti-Crusher build” of their particular class. (By not being personal I mean “Kill X Crushers” would exist as a contract, but it’d be like the current contracts where any teammate killing a Crusher counts your progress.)
I think the best flow to contracts are kill contracts where the enemy type is present in literally every mission, but there are conditions that increase frequency. For example a patch that includes:
1. New Contracts added for killing (a) Crushers/Bulwarks/Maulers, (b) Shooters/gunners/reapers, and (c) all melee enemies.
2. New conditions added with one example being spawning far more armored enemies than normal (Crushers, Bulwarks, and Maulers). Many other new conditions also exist, which spawn the enemy types you need for contracts B and C (among many other contract-condition pairings I won’t list here for the sake of simplicity).
So with an update like that, you would always make progress on those kill contracts because every mission has some of the enemy type(s) you’re hunting for, but if you found the right condition you’d make even more progress than normal.
Lol. Have you ever done a diamantine / plasteel contract?
Those actually both will spawn in every mission, and at high enough difficulties, more than enough quantity. You don’t need to target farm. Meanwhile, I’ve been at this dreg melee contract all day because even the “Desert/Tan colored missions” seem to spawn only 90% infested & scab. choosing “Desert / tan & yellow daytime missions” Is supposed to be a good way to target-farm dregs. But this contract is so RNG that I could have completed 16 grims & scripts by now with how many scabs I’ve ran into today.
Why necro a thread a year later after changes have already been made to contracts? A year ago, plasteel/diamantine contracts didn’t even exist and you were almost forced to do book contracts.
Not only that, but it’s still relevant. The kill contracts stink. Not as much as “grim/scrips”, “no teammates dying” or “complete 8 missions”. But they still stink.