Change Dreg / Scab targeted contracts or make them farmable

Suggestion for Dreg / Scab contracts: make them target-farmable (before entering a mission, let the player know that 95% of the enemies will be scab & infested / dreg & infested)


Change the contracts to kill X number of lesser enemies/elites/specials/ etc.

These contracts are ridiculous.
I’ve been spending all day chasing after dregs only for the game to spawn 90% scab and infested enemy types. Yes, I have been selecting the “Desert/daytime” missions. It still spawns more scabs. The worst part? Infested enemies spawn in droves and count towards no contract in the pool. The kills count for nothing but those of us with the scoreboard mod.


I find the first enemies encountered will be the majority for that map, and it will briefly switch to the other enemy type around the middle of the map. If you start a map and the wrong enemies appear just leave and queue again.

Another complaint on the same topic (kind of)

Killing a certain number of Scabs earned me both a Frame and an Insignia, whilst killing Dregs and Terrors of the Warp only earned me a Frame each. Where are the Dreg and Terrors of the Warp Insignias? I dunno, maybe I just suffer from severe obsessive compulsion or something.

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This is the wrong answer. If this game allowed you to solo queue and not affect any other player’s experience, then sure. But this is just not it.

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Agreed. They are always on my weekly rotation because the alternatives suck even more. But I find they very unreliable to complete. I only play T5 Auric/Maelstrom, and yet, after a full 36 minute mission with nearly 2k enemies slayed, I sometimes progress only a handful of enemy kills.

Early on in the game, I recall them being bugged, that you had to interact with Melk before doing the contracts. That doesn’t seem to be the case today, but I nonetheless find it very much unreliable. It doesn’t help either that they are divided into two different kinds, melee vs. ranged.

I wish they would add more contracts, and allow us to pick freely from them like with Perks in crafting. That way players would have more agency over what they want to do. Rather than “select the least poopy contracts”. Who knows, maybe one day!

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You still need to talk to Melk to activate the contracts and receive the final completion reward. There is a mod to bypass that though called BetterMelk.

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