Weapon switch input buffering

It’s probably because mistakes in this game are so big and often obvious with predictable negative impact, that one can’t really have weak opinions on them.

Like I don’t really have strong opinions in PoE for example and I played that way way more than VT2.

I might think “Hey, this could maybe be done little differently, or hmm it would be nice to have the small QoL thing here” or “It would be nice if instead of not being able to hit enemies in delve darkness, there would be progressively lower hit chance as one went deeper into the dark, instead of just not being able to hit anything at some point”

It’s minor things, like in past days of playing hardcore, the darkness idea is relatively the “strongest” while still being pretty “weak”. It’s not huge deal.

But in VT2, it’s huge deals everywhere. So I just can’t be for 1000th time like “Hmm guys, what about adding the night maps on official ? And what about also adding the BtU alt. lighting ? Mmmhm ?”

Or “What about the completely pointless leaderboards, those maybe need fix, instead of putting up on the board people who got carried in high weave?”

“Also you know, maybe do not add behind-backwards quasiQoL like attack buffering… and add the QoLs people are crying for, for a year”

… this could go on forever

And worst part here is the radio silence or “uhmm, we can’t talk about that”. Hardly, anyone have balls to give proper straight answers without PR crap that nobody cares about anyway.


This thing here. This is the worst offender and it’s first time I’ve seen somebody talk about it. It’s especially prevalent on Dual Daggers and does kill you from time to time.

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Yep, that’s what I thought =p

Just like you swing to the other end of the spectrum, the major FS apologetic. :rofl:


That would be true if I had actually never criticized anything =p
But yeah, I’m way less brutal. I don’t mind being painted as this though

I did mention it before, but nobody cared, well especially FS didn’t. I also mentioned it in WOM Beta… again no response.

I’m not sure we will be able to make it go away, just like stagger was to stay.
We should aim for that they make it optional in the menu.
It’s not a real issue up to legend, but once you go cata or anything serious, it becomes detrimental to the gameplay.

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imagine all these compelling and strong arguments with evidence by this community trying to fix this game and the people in charge of it for all we know never see it. and before someone comments with, “they stated they like to read quietly” yea sure, that’s a good way to keep our hopes up they even are here. there’s absolutely zero community relationship here


You can actually see how long they read and when they visited the last time.

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ok -_- you guys have a good day. thanks for sharing that @Haxorzist

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Leader since '18 :thinking:

January 2018 is the start of this forum.

Yep, and no visits from leader from '18? that is my point.

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Yes lot’s of them do not participate and the 15min - few hours recently (meaning about a month) are not that impressive.
Still it’s good to see some bother.
Note while they are all leaders they never moderate they just could in theory.

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