Why won't this game allow me to switch weapon? Are you going to fix this stupid behavior eventually?

The input queing system is basically retar-ded and is in bad need of a fix. I have no idea why it works like it does but it’s abysmal. There seems to be some sort of bug where if you attack too quickly after switching weapon, it stops trying to switch weapon and just starts trying to attack with the weapon already equipped. I want that behavior to change so that, if you press to switch weapon, you switch weapon no matter what else you press subsequently.


input in general seems to be off lately, had some weird stuff in literally every match yesterday.

kickback for example shackes with the firing animation twice or more without a shot fired, latency at 30-50 at most, rest of the stuff around happening"normaly"

next time game switches to grenade without me even pressing that.

to top that off, even when the kickback decides to fire AND connect with an enemy, it instantly reloads sometimes, followed by a second viable shot.

weird stuff


Glad I’m not the only one.

I’ve noticed this too, especially on psyker where I want to pull out my force sword to melee, but nope I’m spamming LMB with my staff.

I’ve also eaten poxbursters because I never pulled out melee weapon to push either.


I’ve lost count of deaths I have to this. Poxburster incoming, I need to switch weapon and push, but start push too early, so it just attacks with the other weapon already equipped instead of going switch-push, I see it doesn’t switch so try again and again, with the animation just stuck in this weird trying to switch but then cancels and attacks-loop, and then burster explodes in my face.

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Your Title is totally Wrong and Bad!

How come your complain about, not allowing to switch Weapons?!

From what one can Read iMO

If your in a bad spot like you describe and you have to instantly hit melee after hitting switch Weapon Button its your Tactical fault and not the Game for having Animation.
What you want is insta switcha and attacks… Hopefully never gonna happen

Get your Melee Weapon out sooner!
I ve never had any problems in 1k Gametime. Maybe turn off your Macro and dont spam Melee so soon :joy:

The issue is input lag in general. Your entire post is bad and you should feel bad.

Work on that skill issue that lies between your ears.


Trying to switch to melee doesn’t work most of the time and I’m stuck getting wailed on.

Got you covered boss.
Been collating videos for just such an occasion. Dashed to stop the autopreview which just takes over the screen…

You can take your pick. Carrying objects. Melee to weapon. Weapon to melee. Tap toggle-to-sprint. Keep an eye on the nohboard throughout these (or read the descriptions if you prefer).



Died to this a day or two ago. Most of the time it’s just annoying but it’s gotten to the point of throwing games because I can’t swap to melee.

I feel like it’s been bad ever since people began to exploit qq swap maybe around last march? then they did some sort of hotfix or change to servers… I remember at the time it felt way worse not sure if they just tuned it or if we got used to it.

there’s no input buffer and there’s some level of delay on weapon switch. this means you can switch weapons and then cancel the switch by accident by trying to attack too soon before the switch animation has ticked over enough to be the next weapon.

As Morrow likes to say: “winge winge winge, Are you done?”

That’s probably an accurate explanation, to be fair. But also one that should be resolved.

Any player hitting an ‘event’ key - weapon key, grenade, or special, should supercede any next fire. Mashing fire is a prevalent thing in tide games, whereas pressing a switch weapon key is obviously not. Let me rephrase that, obviously shouldn’t be (!)

So I’m not the only one that gets weird double-fires on the Kickback.
Good to know.

I thought that was specific to a recent change they made to lucky bullet because before it would not consume ammo but you’d barely notice. I figured they just added an autofire for this gun when it procs.

Nah, in about every video i uploaded the last couple weeks you either see me briefly with my ogryn pants down because its a dud or i get a free second shot after being hit by another enemy.

the first shot in this short sequence does damage though so its not a network related thing, latency in the lower 50s-30s

besides i never use the lower right talent path, so any gun related skills are out of the equation


Just LOL

I certainly wont feel bad
The Title is still Wrong, why not about input lag.
My Skill Issues?? Well i have, other than you have no problem with what you Guys describe at 1k Playtime. Maybe its my Bad skills between my ears or whatever thant makes not having issues with it :joy:

One more, insulting me over that Post shows who actually needs skills In Live in General! WOrk on your input Lag, what was it…`oh yeah between your ears!
Get a Brain, if you really felt offended about a Post… oh Well you did!

Wow 1k playtime!

Show your mommy maybe she will care.

Input lag is an issue, a quick google search would show you this.

But instead you feel the need to belittle others using your “1K” hours as some sort of high horse.

You contributed nothing to this thread, as do most elitists.

You realise the irony of posting that, don’t you :wink:




And my poor Fumbles blown himself up!
It was absolutely not me fumbling micro-quelling… Not at all!
Well, 50% of the time it was… but no more!

In all seriousness, when it happens it’s annoying as hell. You swich from your staff at 100% peril to your sword to cut your way through the horde? Uh-oh… you’ve pressed attack to early - time to blow up!


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