[Too lazy to update, pre WoM]:
My eternal crusade:
Upholding challenge. Legend is a joke in comparison to Cataclysm, something has to be done. No dmg-sponging and unit spamming is not the desired result as Cataclysm clearly proofed.
Remove Temp HP. It turns hordes and certain enemies into med-packs trivialities them and makes us loose respect for unending tide of the dark forces.
Making all enemies less staggerable. Especially Lords and
-Warriors that should be immune to all but ultimates and maybe a select few of the strongest weapons strongest attacks.
Lord and Monster fights trivialized by overpowered builds in desperate need of the nerfhammer.
Make as much of this game locally calculated as possible. This will help everybody to enjoy the game with as little lags, enemy teleporting, animation skips and connection issues as possible.