Weapon selection and Chaos Waste mechanics:

The Problem

In Vermintide’s Chaos Waste weapon are changed in 2 different manners:

  • Random weapon changes Altar (Separated Melee and ranged)
  • Weapon upgrading Altar


Which work in VT2 cause there aren’t that many weapons, and even less blessings (Not all blessings are applicable for each weapons):
Melee: between 7 and 13 (With 6 possible blessings)
Ranged: between 4 and 8 (with 8 possible blessings)

In comparison, Darktide has the different marks that change how a weapon work:
Melee: 14 to 28 (each with several blessings, and can have 2 blessing at max)
Ranged: 9 to 29 (again, with several blessings and also being able to have 2).

This would lead to issues where you won’t use the random weapon change due to having way to many weapon ‘polluting’ the draw, but still having difficulties with the weapon upgrade due to how many blessing each weapons can have (THammer for example having 10 blessings, each with multiple blessing level).

The proposal:

While working in a similar way to how Altars and Pilgrim coins work in Chaos Waste, the equivalent mode (and also a Survival/Horde mode) would work with 2 ‘stores’ that offer salvaged weapons and would let you use a ‘pseudo mastery’ system.

Weapon Seller:

Would offer a similar page to Brunt, offering random weapons from the characters weapon pool, this weapon list would grow larger when further out in the mission, as well as offer better weapons.

Weapon crafter

Serviced by lesser Tech Acolyte, those weapons would be of lesser quality, and thus can’t be kept unless succeeding in the expedition.

When accessing the terminal, you would be awarded certain points, depending on how far into the mission you are. Those points would be used to either boost the weapon, increasing its stats, or let you change blessings.

While a terminal would only let you use a personal pool of points, those points can be used on either weapons, or both (if sufficient points are present).

And a weapon can be modified and upgraded multiple times on different terminals.


As weapons would be part of the ‘Rogue Lite’ mode, they would not be kept after being sold, but the one that are in your possession at the end of the mission (So 1 ranged, 1 melee) would be rewards that you would get. This would offset the rewards that Chaos Waste offer (being the same as normal missions.) as being ‘custom made’ weapons that then are placed in your inventory.

This could also work for a Survival mission, though the currency would have to appear in a different manner (Killing/surviving waves of enemies, and/or being awarded upon completion of specific side objectives that would periodically appear.


Chaos Waste is a big mode, it’s not something that I’m expecting any time soon, but it is one that I’m fairly certain will at some point happen.

But what worked in VT2’s Chaos Waste won’t each time work in DT’s equivalent (Second Hive most likely being the backdrop for it.), and the weapon altars are one that I think will not work on a 1 to 1 basis.

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Chaos wastes x
Space hulk ✓

Or some random part buried under the hive city, similar to killingfloor2 drop down (level order randomized) maps: Biolapse - Killing Floor 2 Wiki
It will be easy to make for fatshark, just as with chaos wastes - reuse bits and pieces of regular map.

That’s why having it be set in the 2nd Hive is the best.

Let that mode and the current one be able to explore from the deepest trenches of the Underhive to the highest peaks of the Spires, as well as access their surrounding Wastelands.
The only difficult part is if we see sectors on one of Atoma’s Moon, like Atrox.

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