Poll: would you like a Chaos Wastes equivalent (or similar roguelite gamemode) in Darktide?

I often see this mentioned but I’ve not seen it be its own thread, so I’m making this so it might help visibility of the sentiment for Fatshark

should Fatshark add a roguelite gamemode (sort of like VT2’s Chaos Wastes) to Darktide?
  • Yes, I would enjoy a roguelite gamemode
  • No, I would rather they don’t add that
0 voters

In my opinion Chaos Wastes is a great gamemode and I certainly want it or something similar in Darktide


New Poll: do you like ice cream? 2 ppl vote no.
CW was a stroke of genius and breathed new life into the game years later, if I had to guess it would only appear here at the 3 or 4 year mark.
In the past, some have suggested a Space Hulk setting.


A Space Hulk would be very strange as the CW system.

1 because Space Hulks are quite rare

2 how would the Dreg and the Scab be on that

3 Space Hulk while varied aren’t really going to give more than different types of Space Ships, and asteroid.

On the other hand, there is the second Hive, which is probably kept for this use.

As there is no reason to introduce new sector that would be in that Hive instead of being in Tertium.

Now for CW, obviously it’s the holy Grail of Tide games, but it also much more work intensive than Havoc is, so it will take time to be ready to ship out.

In part due to the maps needing to be made, but also to the whole weapon altars needing to be Reworked

Which I could see fixed like this:


I’m going to be in the minority and say I don’t like Chaos Wastes. Part of that is definitely not knowing VT 2 as much as Darktide and being sick of roguelikes. However I much prefer making a loadout that I custom tune and going into a challenge with a build in mind, not relying on dice rolls to make that happen.

I would prefer they keep making normal maps, weapons, and modifiers and keep them in the normal game.


I’ll admit chaos wastes never grabbed me like it did others (though I do enjoy it in balance with playing adventure mode), but that’s not the main reason I voted no. I feel it’s a bit early and would rather not see something like that be a massive resource sink at this point.

Definitely think it would be a very successful thing to add further down the line though.



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Yep, that what they should have spent their time on instead of Havoc!


I know weapon altars are a common complaint about the VT2 chaos wastes but I personally never saw the issue with them. It’s risk vs reward, a gambling mechanic. You never actually had to randomize your weapon, it was just an option to get one more easily.

That said I can easily see them come up with a very different take on the whole thing in Darktide. As long as it has randomness and emergent gameplay based on that randomness it would be fun.

Soemthing that I specifically thought would be cool in Darktide would be an actual modular room system, sort of The Binding of Isaac inspired. Whereas VT2s chaos wastes has more of a Slay the Spire map layout going on. There are some roguelite FPS around that do this and it works pretty well. So basically the structure could be something like

  • You descend to a lower layer of the second hive, this is floor 1
  • Floor 1 consists of multiple rooms that are pre-built but randomly chained with unique challenges and some altar like things
  • After a certain amount of rooms you come across the boss room which will give you a more solid reward for beating it
  • Enter Floor 2 and repeat, maybe with inbetween events or something of the sort

I’m honestly having fun just thinking about it, it’s unfortunate that we have zero acknowledgement of wether they would even consider such a gamemode


Unless it’s paid dlc that funds other updates, no.

Developer time would be better spent on: classes, new missions, weapons and even cosmetics. Especially since something like CW is going to require a lot of work and will probably create a backlog like the Xbox and PlayStation versions did.


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