you say that now, but someone will pop up and say they took down 8 chaos warriors in one swing and that will be proof enough that it’s broken.
it’s best not to say anything at all.
you say that now, but someone will pop up and say they took down 8 chaos warriors in one swing and that will be proof enough that it’s broken.
it’s best not to say anything at all.
Thankfully the actually damaging heavy attack only hits 1 target so that wont happen at least x)
these types deny actual video proof. like i said, it’s best not to put it to test.
i thought the glaive did max dmg on 2 targets and reduced dmg on a 3rd. i don’t think it cleaves 4 targets.
in vt1 it was only 2 targets
discounting heavily armored opponents that stop the blade of course
If you position the three dummies next to each other and place an armored dummy next to them, the Glaive hits all 4 dummies, albeit the armored dummy either stops the blow or doesn’t take any damage on a non crit.
Here’s proof:
Since I don’t know how to extract the code from the game, I can’t check code wise how many targets the Glaive is supposed to hit.
The Wardancer Blade behaves equal to the Glaive in the dummy scenario.