Votekick has to go

A responsible feature for adults that the community is clearly unable to handle.

If this game is to remain free of toxicity, votekick has to be removed or nerfed in some form of manner. I have not once seen this feature reasonably used.

What it is used for:

  1. Trolling, specifically when somebody else brings a loadout that isn’t the meta.
  2. Kicking people who want to take a book with them or are against it.
  3. Blaming ones failure onto others, then kicking them.
  4. Kicking bad players, who are still learning the game.

I have never once see a votekick. i don’t even know HOW to votekick, could someone tell me? i want to be able to kick people that try to throw runs because they’re “doing penenace runs” for whatever reason.


Doesn’t last Comm Link mention it being changed soon ?


You should read the update notes before you make a post that clearly screams “i didnt read the update notes”


300 hours in and I’ve literally never seen anyone complain about any of those things. I’ve seen precisely one attempt at a kick and it was between two people partnered up, doing it as a joke.

Can I ask what region you play in?


Only people vote kicked are trolls so stop trolling. This game is really inclusive to pugs compared to a majority of other games. This is a git gud

To memory I’ve only seen a votekick happen once, when someone was AFK for awhile. I dunno where people are finding all this toxicity. All I see after a defeat is a “gg” in chat or a “nice try”, rather than blame being thrown around.

I’m on the West Coast of the US, and I only play in Damnation these days. I dunno if that has anything to do with it.

Let’s instead annoint Kommissars, with the sole kicking power and privilege. Admission into the Kommissariat is reserved for only the most loyal members of the party Community!

To cross words you have to use the wiggles

~~Strike through~~

Strike through


Thanks, I was too lazy to look it up. “They’ll get the meaning” I thought to myself.
Correctly, it seems! :wink:

I have had two vote kick down and followed trough both for player who were clearly not playing at the right difficulty. And while I understand “learning the game” at some point you should learn the basic of the game and team play before going up in difficulty.

Unrelated but does anyone know what happens if there are 2 players and one of them votes to kick the other?

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