Battle wizzard teleport with some invisibility - went bad, i wanted to teleport forward, i could see the circle on the ground, then i ended up on the roof. Maybe the banner pushed me up, but as i remember correctly, the banner was placed before i teleported. Cannot move when I was up, just turn. Elf shot me and I literally downed from above. Then got upped, staying invisible, enemies did not target me until I used teleport again. Others said that i was totally invisible, no outlines whatsoever.
Handmaiden dashed into a barn - during dash CW pushed, ended up caged in like a cow. Against the grain, first tome. Cannot come out.
Levitating Minotaur - for the duration of the boss fight it slashed all over midair, cannot go back. The boss came from where we have to to for the 3rd tome, but ended up in the air. Easiest Minotaur kill of the time.
Blightstormer with X-ray vision - I printscreened it too late, but where the circle points, the conjuring came through the wall. The blightstormer was behind it standing on the ground, he could have no vision over us. On the picture you can see some green stuff, remnants of the conjuring.
Math - as can be seen, the scoreboard has serious issues with calculating. 5+5=150 (maybe it’s because the DoT, but 11+6=20?; 66+11=79?)? The elf’s total kills are correct only.
Backstab sounds missing - Okay, the Beastmen are ambushers. But please, fix the sounds already. Still missing, sometimes there are noone behind me, and from frontal attack a backstab sound is triggered.
Beastmen ignores physics - On Fort Br. when you pass through the river filled with debris, you got stuck on every single little stone, but the Mighty Beastmen can pass through the stones, can stand IN the stones (one of them had it’s head showing only, but still hitting), passing through the big trees in the river, surrounding you and of course killing you in 2 hits. I got enough of today’s bugs, so I did not take a screenshot, sorry.