Update from Fatshark

Good that some form of restitution is coming but I’d have had a way easier time taking it on good faith if the spin doctors at FS thought to post this BEFORE people discovered whatever is going on with the Xbox bonus and raised hell about it. I’ll believe the “honest mistake” story when an equivalent amount of bonus Aquilas are in my account. Until then, I’m expecting another Beta dunce cap and further dip in goodwill.

Just feels like FS is constantly trying to get one over on the customer and slip scummy practices under our noses, only ever trying to make it right when they’re called on it. Really disgusted with whoever is running things over there, can’t even think about this game without it leaving a bad taste in my mouth.


It’s true though, the best reward would be completely overhauling the beyond idiotic gear system.
Fatshark, I am willing to trade in my beta helmet for this as well, one time offer.


Heh. Sorry for lighting the fire here on this one guys.

Id be happy with some cash shop money (we don’t need the full equivalent) but i am also not opposed to something unique being given to us…though it has to be said if you DO choose the route of a cosmetic (frame, charm, helmet, etc) it MUST be good quality.

The beta testing helmet we got for beta testing is not good quality. It clips, it looks like every other helmet in the game available with a simple emblem slapped on it and on some classes it just looks downright ugly.

So please. It’s been a long road getting to here and I am so happy to see the game getting a stable release and living to its potential somewhat moreso but don’t get too full of yourselves guys.

You HAVE worked hard, you deserve praise and recognition for it but if you hadn’t released in such a buggy, broken and unplayable mess for your official launch then you wouldn’t have had to work so hard fixing everything and redoing systems. We can’t ignore that and we shouldn’t.

All in all very good progress - please, please keep it up and hang in there. You have the potential to be the domineering game in the 40k PC/Console market here. The environmental design, weapon design, atmosphere, sound and gameplay are all top notch.

C’mon. You can do it.


As a reward, remove locks from crafting.


I would’ve been disappointed if this wasn’t the first response to this announcement!


“misdirected anger”
We had to put up with a year of dumb decisions and milking of their own players


Oh, and just so that everyone is aware. Dont even hope getting Aquilas. That could be done in like a few days, if even that. The fact that they are saying that what they are doing will take weeks is an indication that they will cobble up some reskin of already existing gear and give it to beta-testers as a “gift”, maybe a clown suit that fits together with our clown B helmets.


This is the thing that frustrates me the most.

If the C-suite could stop being idiots for five whole seconds, this game would be upheld as an exemplar of how to make 40k games. It would introduce so many new people to the setting, and make Fatshark buckets.

Instead it’s just been unrelenting corporate hostility, and all of it’s very clearly coming from management, not the people who actually make the game.

It’s very simple.

People like playing the game. They like when rewards in-game are connected to playing the game. They dislike too many dice rolls. They like feeling like the game respects their time and that they’re not just seen as a living wallet by the game’s owners.

Fatshark has continually, categorically failed to do this, because failing to do this, in the herring-rotted brains of the Swedish idiots running the show, will make them slightly more money in the short term.


“Pearl clutching”

Why are you actively going out of your way to insult what little of a fan base you have still left?

Foot, meet mouth. You can’t help yourself, can you?


OUuT oFf kOnTeXt


It really is mind boggling.

40k is an expensive IP. People are happy to pay out more for 40k things.

They could be printing money on cosmetics and extra content for this game if they just did it right.


Thank you. Im on the side of some quantity of Aquilla.

Last time you looked into something it took months. I honestly hope that it’s the difference in Aquillas.

Because if it isn’t, people will be mad. And rightly so. I hope that they brigade you day and night on all your social media channels for it, so every potential sale in the future will be massively affected.

I can’t believe that my disdain for FS as a company could increase in any way, yet here we are and FS provides, as always.


Honestly, nothing else than fair and equal compensation towards early adopters will do. I don’t want to be treated like a second class consumer because i dared to buy into your gamer early. Neither do i want to hastily made recolors for beta helmets or penance gear. Throw your damn core players a bone for once - that one time aquilla boost would still mean jack with how much stuff is still waiting to be released for the store.


Rewards you say? Perhaps a teeny tiny dingly dongle or maybe a dangling bingly bangle? I’m a tingling tangle of anticipation!


You had one job and it was to write “next week”


this one would fit perfectly for an zealot

So, what color do we want our next Beta helmet to be in?
After the patch to fix it, I mean…


The most logic move.

Can I expect something more than a beta helmet that looks horrible? Maybe a frame or insignia would do please