Unobtainable Weapon Illusions

Hi guys, a little while back a thread was posted about these illusions currently have no way to be obtained. The response was something along the lines of it being looked into however I was wondering if there has been any progress or potentially and plans in place, even if secret atm, to have the illusions be obtainable. I honestly wouldn’t mind just having to pay for them with shillings in Lohners emporium, just wanna complete my collection :smiley:

Somewhat also related are weave skins and whether they may be made obtainable in the other game modes at some point, any discussions or secret plans been made for these? :stuck_out_tongue:


It would be a huge incentive for me and my friends to try out weaves if we could unlock the weave-specific skins for use in the campaign missions.

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The ultimate in rare skins, completely unobtainable.